~Brony Clan~
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:26 am
WARNING: This clan is recommeneded ages 16+ or at least the maturity of such age because we are full of trolls.
The ponies of this clan come together for fun and entertainment, if you like either of these and can tolerate us ponies, you're are more than welcome to join us.
When you join, you will be put into a server group called pony and be given a tag [BRONY]
Our base is a WIP, and will be finished hopefully soon!
How our ranking system works
Leader- These ponies run the guild, schedual possible events and maintain balance in the clan.
Officer- These ponies keep track of the guild members and their..."Fun" little antics.
High_Ranking_Member- These ponies are known and has a lot of respect throughout the clan
Member- These ponies are beginning their adventure in our clan.
Current members:
Vtn@Shadowofrsr - Leader - Fluttershy
Mod@Cruiserman - Leader - Chocolate Tail
Vtn@Bondsmatthew - Officer - Twilight Sparkle
Vtn@Homerstatic - Officer - Derpy Hooves
Vtn@FPSrusher - Officer - Pinkie Pie
High Ranking Member
Vtn@xxKuro - Nightmare Moon
Vtn@Mattchuu - Applejack
Vtn@Phillip1299 -
Vtn@Tylerwaters13 -
Vtn@Morpher26 -
Vtn@XxEiffel65 -
Vtn@Pinpoynt -
Donor@Inedra - Rarity
Donor@Lyoness_SoE - vinyl scratch
Rsd@SASpursFan - Diamond Tiara
Rsd@limabear - Clyde
Rsd@The_bomb - Sweetie Belle
Rsd@Kendra1999 - Paint
Rsd@Wolfgirl1214 - Bonbon
Rsd@MrReebo - Daring Do
Rsd@neicey69 - Rainbow Dash
Rsd@Purple_zeby - Cherry Berry
Rsd@Gummybear235 - Man-iac
Rsd@Thompsonboy909 - Lightning Dash
Rsd@WhosPro - Granny Smith
Rsd@Justincasedanger - Spike
Rsd@mwills3000 - Sunset Shimmer
Rsd@kitikat13 - Capricorn
Rsd@ProPanua - Spitfire
Rsd@Hommelgardigan - The Headless Horse
Rsd@_DeathKiller_ - Ace
Rsd@Codename23 - Magenta
Rsd@theorangebaron - Shining Armour
Rsd@hiyouhiyou -
Rsd@Jepoken -
Rsd@Celtick -
Rsd@Valcrone -
Rsd@MrManJoseph -
Rsd@Krazierbiznitch -
Rsd@BritishCrumpets -
Default@SaintSithis - Photo Finish
Default@willy_bum_bum2 - Caramel
Default@robynrules - luna
Default@mw3guy2012 - Apple Jack
Default@DAgraamis -
Default@logan265 -
Default@Mr_Bugsy123 -
To join fill this out:
to find a pony, look here.