Clone Clan
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:50 am
Default= Wooden (Weakest sword)
Rsds= Gold (Second weakest)
Donors= Iron (3rd weakest)
Vtns and Mods= DIamond (OMG Teh best thing EVA!!!!)
To get into the clone clan, talk to tomvanberkel or NoMa187.
There are 2 requirements to join:
1. You have NO bans.
2. You have a Clone skin (other StarWars skins on rare occasions).
3. You MUST use the Clone clan tag in your name.
For a clone skin search this website: (search for italiasoccer41 or clone)
To have the clan banner in your signature, do:
- Code: Select All Code
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Our embassy ship, a Venator-class StarDestroyer: