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Leon Empire [The Imperial Districts]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:42 am
by TheOWCA

[The Imperial Districts]

We will be building different towns with different themes so if you don't like a city you sure will find another city for your likening within the empire. As group we will be making cities, having lots of events, exploring together, and having fun. And we will try to connect each town with minecarts stations.

List of Districts:

District 1- Aquarius City
District 2- Thordins Stronghold
District 3-
District 4- Elemental City (Leon Capitol)
District 5-
District 6-
District 7- The Ancient City of Leon
District 8-
District 9- Olympus City
District 10-
District 11- Apollo Gardens
District 12-
District 13-






If you want to help fill up this form

Hours Online:
Past Experiences:
Why you want to help:
Banned? Yes/No Why?:

And if you want your city to join or make a city for group fill this

City Name:
City Owner/Owners:
Why do you want to join the group:

Get the new Leon Empire Signature:
Code: Select All Code

Re: Leon Empire

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:50 am
by SquareDot
IGN: SquareDot
Hours Online: 201 since sonic is being a jerk
Past Experiences: Ruined when Kreatious fell.
Why you want to help: Most definitely
Banned? Yes/No Why?: No. Because I'm a good boy.

Re: Leon Empire

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:02 am
by TheZaqwsxz
IGN: TheZaqwsxz
Hours Online: I tink umm 61 yeh
Past Experiences: Building a staue of me :3
Why you want to help: I wanna help cause i always help
Banned? Yes/No Why?: No i never causeim good :D

Re: Leon Empire

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:05 am
by killbot11
IGN : killbot11
Hours Online : maybe 6 - 7 hours a day. (10 - 12 on weekends)
Past Experiences : singlehandedly built a multi-leveled mob grinder.
Why you want to help? : I'm sick of giving resources to random people, I want to do something collabrative.
Banned? Yes/No Why? : No, because I'm not the type to grief knowingly.

*NOTE* This Empire is on survival right?

Re: Leon Empire

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:22 am
by ihvrockfever
IGN: i know that you know ;) but here goes: ihvrockfever
Hours Online: i havent typed /stats in a while...around 300 perhaps?
Past Experiences: i built a statue of me, multiple modern houses and a awesome farm (wip) (and these are ONLY the "special" projects i have done in kreatious :) )
Why you want to help: cus im ur friend <3 i saw ur introduction post last week <3 hehe not only that...well cus i want to build more cool stuff and "leon" sounds cool...
Banned? Yes/No Why?: yes before...cus i was a noob then.

Re: Leon Empire

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:03 am
by PureBoTheBuilder
*Clan tag achieved*
Anyways, Leon ftww! WE will grow to 100000 estates!

Re: Leon Empire

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:43 pm
by dizzydan2
Hours Online: 13/339
Past Experiences:built 3 towns which had about 15 people living there and countless structures.
Why you want to help: I'm kind of bored on kreatious atm and want to get to know vtn's better
Banned? Yes/No Why?: no because i hate griefers :D

Re: Leon Empire

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:04 pm
by McCoy1996
IGN: McCoy/mccoy1996
Hours: over 405
Past experience: Things
Why I want to help: everybody has seemed to abandoned their previous stuff
Banned: No! :D

Re: Leon Empire

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:28 pm
by legolosarrow0726
Hours Online:At least 30
Past experinces-Well,Ive built various homes, and I am very good at reasource gathering.
Why I want to help-Well, I like to build,I like to gather,and this sounds lots like my old Multi-State area idea...
Banned:No,although I have been kicked for acidently grieving a natural look tree or natural looking peice of dirt.

(NOTE:The following city is an IDEA)
City Name-New Mobassa/New Alexandria/Sword Base
City Owner/CoOwners-It is just an idea,so right now,just me legolosarrow0726.
Why do you want it to join the group-Well,I need help building it, and I can hopefully find some fellow Halo fans here to help me with the more deatailed aspects of it...
What Distirct Number you want it to be-1 I guess...

Re: Leon Empire

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:47 pm
by kenny0011
IGN: Troll@kenny0011
Hours Online: 230ish
Past Experiences: Built various... stuff...
Why you want to help: want to build more.... stuff
Banned? Yes/No Why?: Nope xD