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Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 2:19 pm
by vini123
Hello all and Welcome to the skycity town post!
This town Is still under construction, and we want to make it as nice as possible
Town it self:
Vip lot:
Deluxe lot:
Normal lot:
Since we're nearly out of lots we're currently expanding we will get 4 more VIP lots and 32 or 24 more Deluxe lots :D Pre-Order your lot now! :D
Town's Staff
Owner: Mee! :D (Vini123)
Co-Owner: NoMa187
Builders/Helpers: Lowietje, Gigglo, Strider1997

If you would like to join this town please reply with:

In-game name?:
In-game hours?:
Why do you want to live here?:
Bans And why?:
Size lot?:

(Size lot might be refused becuase we might ran out)

And Of course donating is allowed it's more than welcome since we need loads of slabs and such.
And if you're a Big donator you'll be added with your name on a sign in the town's Info Center

I'll post more pictures later on

/msg me in-game or /mail me

Re: SkyCity

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:44 pm
by jack_addy
Well i dont really want to live here as I have just finished started building my stormhaven house and i am running out of supplies quickly... im to lazy to go mining and stuff. 8-) ill defiantly help with this.. can i build like a forge there. :)

Re: SkyCity

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:58 pm
by vini123
Er well we want to keep the serounding area clean that's why we went close to the border
so yeh but of course help is welcome. You do need to be good at making circles :P
And donating is allowed as well ;)

Re: SkyCity

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 8:52 pm
by GoldenGuy45
This is awesome :mrgreen:! I would love to help build... I can also donate large amounts of... anything really except diamonds and dyes. Please let me know if I can help in anyway! :mrgreen:

Re: SkyCity

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:19 pm
by jbige7
Good job Vini on bringing back the memories :)

UpMax, Elphalpo, me and a couple others made a "Skycity" on VC, I'll donate some dirt and what not if needed :)

Re: SkyCity

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:28 am
by Irish_Ninja
In-game name?: Irish_Ninja
In-game hours?: A whole bunch. XD (Haven't checked /stats in weeks. I can get back to you on that though.)
Why do you want to live here?: Well, the city already looks epic, despite being largely unfinished. I can only imagine it will improve with time; and seems like something I'd like to be a part of, sooner rather than later.
Bans And why?: Of course! I get banned all the time! Like this one time, I got banned because I wouldn't go to sleep. Ooh, and one for agreeing to participate in a test to see if /ban was working. :lol:
Size lot?: VIP

Let me know if you need mass quantities of anything, and I'll see what I can donate.

Re: SkyCity

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:08 am
by vini123
Haha well irish your lucky VIP lots are avalible in half and a whole one because they're Quite big
So yeah your accepted but let me know if you want a half VIP lot or a Whole one. :D

Re: SkyCity

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:16 pm
by harshlife
In-game name?: harshlife
In-game hours?: 400+? Cant Remember
Why do you want to live here?: I like the sky, its my favorite.
Bans And why?: Nupe.. none that Im actually guilty of anyway
Size lot?: Hmmn.. Deluxe... probably. How big is half a VIP?

Re: SkyCity

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:25 pm
by vini123
Accepted! :D well it's hard to estimate the size.. but look on the picture. :P
so i f you want deluxe i got you one ;)

Re: SkyCity

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 9:30 am
by iAustralian
In-Game User: iAustralian [Not kidding! :O]
In-Game Hours: Err.. Around the early 40's, Given I only joined a week or two ago, Haha.
Why are you interested in living here?: Because teh city looks wonderful! :) That enough ass-kissing for now? Kidding :p. It's a great city though!
Bans: Noperz
Size lot?: Hmm.. Deluxe! Maybe VIP, If you're willing to work out a deal.. Perhaps mates rates o_e