McCoy1996 Wrote:Er, theres a back story that zeenoo didn't tell. I don't know what it is exactly.
Zerg thought his idea of a server union was novel, and decided to give copbot the server info. Copbot then proceeded to log on to kreatious and demand to be made an admin because he was in charge of the union. Zerg lol'd, said no, and copbot wigged out. He logged on a day later, and I intercepted him. Same request, but I ran him around in circles. I decided to simply Google his username, and the thread showed up on the first page. I confronted him on it, and he went nuts. He now claims we are an "ex-member" of the server union and that his army has declared war on us. I lol'd.
Neko and James, I understand you think I'm going to far, but we bust scammers all the time. In my eyes, this is no different.