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Re: Server Advertising

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:36 pm
by phillip1299
So...we still need $117 with a month and a half of time left, and we've only gained about 50 new users to our forums in over a week...I have some extra free time now that I could use to design a forum advertisement and possibly be responsible for 1 or 2 forum threads (ie. answering questions, making sure it doesn't get pushed too far back & forgotten on forums) so if anyone even cares or would like to give their opinion I would like to know: do you think this is a good idea / should I even bother. In my opinion, just relying on minestatus isn't enough because people who are new to minecraft and are looking for a server don't even know what minestatus is, and more than likely will look at the offical minecraft forums first, so that cuts out a large percentage of potential new players and is why I think we need to do more forum adverting.

Re: Server Advertising

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:42 pm
by mattchuu
has zerg thought about making an adsense account and putting ads up on the site? could be some easy money! :3

Re: Server Advertising

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:48 pm
by bondsmatthew
I was talking with shadow, we think that Zerg ahold make a blogger; it's easy money, really easy. It uses adsense, and you can get money transferred into a bank account, or a check I'm the mail. He(or anyone else) could put up stories, daily activities, etc. OR he could put up a change log there, I know he doesn't like them.. Buuttt

Re: Server Advertising

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:54 pm
by mattchuu
that sounds smart. If he'd find it easy, he can hire someone as a secretary while he's coding so they can write down changes. It'd be pretty smart I say :3

Re: Server Advertising

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:36 pm
by bossman1113
Wow, we've got some great ideas here!

Re: Server Advertising

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:25 pm
by Rubinst
ill get my youtube account going again, and post alot of advertises in other forums... ill go for promoters rank soo maybe subscribe to me it helps alot , :) user/mrbunnyflesh

Re: Server Advertising

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:11 am
by Mythic316
here is my current project for supporting kreatious please help im new to creating faecbook pages viewtopic.php?f=3&t=272

Re: Server Advertising

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:45 am
by Brother_Con2173
One thing that I think is needed is that all our current youtubers pool their resources to make one mega-channel, similar to what machinima has. The current top youtubers would head it, lead it, and others could apply to join the youtube team to add videos. Everyone could have their own little sub-categories/ seasons, so you are still recognised and an individual, but it pools all the subscribers from our current youtubers to make one bigger, better channel. If all the youtubers could make a video saying that they're moving to "So and So" channel, the mega-channel, it would combine all the current scattered subscriber bases into one, effectively making our sub base more unified, bigger, and more popular. (Best way, I think, to advance on the youtube advert front.)

Also, maybe bring back the old Donator gets to skip the queue, its why I originally donated, and lower the cap a bit. Not too much it peeves everyone in kreatious off, but enough to make donating a feasable option. Donating needs more benefits for people to actually bother.

Also, I like the blogging idea wholeheartedly. I can help with the blogging, as writing long rants, reviews, etc is a fave pastime for me. I'll help out with that aspect if I'm needed.

Lastly, I think kreatious, if we stabilize a bit, should expand a bit onto other games *officially*, and have servers. Its an excellent way to get kreatious' name out there, and become more popular, and a better community overall. I know it seems costly, but as a matter of fact, a 20 slot TF2 server costs about the same as a 5 slot MC server. A good way to get our name out there, and a heck of a lot fun aswell (another server I was on expanded cross-games, and it was highly successfull), and it expands kreatious past MC, into an immortal gaming community.