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Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:40 am
by Snakejay
Oh yeah thats a pretty good idea^ :D

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:54 am
by mattchuu
That's not necissarilly a good idea. Mods ARE players as well, and seeing as the survival rarely reaches above 20 there isn't a whole lot of choice from this side for mods =/.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:52 am
by McCoy1996
Chat mods can man the position in creative, like most of them do now. But only when a grief gets reported. And it takes a full mod rank to do it in survival.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:48 am
by viperxl
It think we need mods who lives in different time areas, cause sometimes when im on there are no mods online. So maybe thats an idea.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:42 am
by Rubinst
i agree with viper... when i'm online there are no mods online at the moment (only when its 22:00 - 2:00) soo its really frustrating.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:53 am
by PureBoTheBuilder
I agree with having moderators from different time-zones.
If i am not wrong most mods are from America?
Not too sure, anyways aussie and asian timezones barely has any mods going on.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:06 am
by mattchuu
Dukem & Italia are american

Hovr is European (UK area i think)

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:50 am
by Brother_Con2173
This is the main problem: You don't look to get a mod, you look to find one. Just because mods are needed doesn't mean you just promote like crazy, or promote anyone. People who want to become mods have to PROVE themselves, they have to be more then just your average minecraft-goer. So, you shouldn't promote any mods, unless they have proven themselves to you that they are trustworthy and are capable, you don't promote just due to pure necessity. I've seen many a screwup happen by a wrongly promoted mod.

And yeah, I never see any mods online, and I'm from an Aussie timezone. Its really only zerg, thats it... maybe just an extra spying eye, zerg, to see whos worthy, 'cause theres barely any mods for the Aussie timezone, and I don't know about the others.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:52 pm
by Irish_Ninja
^ What he said. We could definitely use mods in those timezones, but if it comes to the point where it's *decent* mods vs. no new mods, don't promote. We want only the best to be mods; and if that means we have to go with fewer staff than possible at some points, well then it might just be added incentive for players to strive to someday be those mods that meet the qualifications.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:17 am
by mattchuu
I'm demanding more mods at this point. Pony clan went on a field trip today and found a dozen griefed things today. I couldn't even film a video without seeing 2-3 griefed things. =/

I love eve, don't get me wrong she's done a great job. But everytime she derps out it's chaos.