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Re: Serious Changes to Minecraft

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:27 am
by SASpursFan
Yesh, iz wanna build a house with that new jungle wood :3 Having the /mine world in 1.2 would be awesome!

Re: Serious Changes to Minecraft

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:49 am
by SonicFF7
I didn't post it Aquad, stick did. XD

Re: Serious Changes to Minecraft

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:21 pm
by cruiserman
i wanted to say that sonic but you beat me to it

Re: Serious Changes to Minecraft

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:57 pm
by cruiserman
As of 12w07 the newest snapshot villagers will reproduce they will randomly fall in love... As well new glowstone lamps... Also on hardmode zombies will beat down your wooden doors.