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Re: Leaving due to jerk mods

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:27 pm
by kieranchocian
This topic is getting WAY out of hand; let's try to keep on topic now.

Goodbye supermariobubba.

Re: Leaving due to jerk mods

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:19 pm
by McCoy1996
I consider malandrix to be a part of staff already, he NEVER sucks up to me. Infact he curses at me in spanish ;o

I just don't like it, JS, you coming back all of the sudden and talking crap.

I like people who keep it real, malandrix keeps it real, so I respect him.

Re: Leaving due to jerk mods

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:42 pm
by Jsblackout82
I didn't mean it like that I just think that's kind of annoying how one mod or vet or whatever says something then a bunch of donors and residents start instantly jump to supporting it. Malandrix don't lose friends over a game if they stop being your friend because of a game are they really your friends? This forum freaks out over everything. How'bout this-everyone stfu and enjoy the game instead of whining like two year olds. Oh yeah sorry MCcoy I did kind of randomly come back and start pointing fingers. Sorry. Oh and back to topic-Supermariobubba it's not like you're doing the wrong thing you're just being stupid. You need people skills yelling at them "Do you hate me!" just makes them angry.

Re: Leaving due to jerk mods

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:14 am
by McCoy1996
^JS keepin it real, I respect that :D

Re: Leaving due to jerk mods

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:55 pm
by iExspee
Should this post be locked? I think we all know who wins and everyone has said their good byes

Re: Leaving due to jerk mods

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:25 pm
by SquareDot
As a resident who has been here for many months now, I have known supermariobubba since the 1.7 map.
But now you have changed much since I've seen you on the server, Bubba. You have slipped-up and shown that you let your ignorance get in the way of thinking and decency. Sexual harassment of a player, swearing, going on your little brother's account to avoid your banning, and now blaming the moderators that help protect and keep the peace on the server- over your own idiocy. The person I knew back on the 1.7 map has now changed to be an immature child. If you ever want the server or me to trust you again, then please; Stop your immaturity.
