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Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:29 pm
by mattchuu
Time does not always make a person great.

i've been here since before the server realeased, and i'm still just as immature as the day i first met zerg on Vanillacraft....well not as bad...but i'm still.....JUST GET THE POINT.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:59 pm
by kieranchocian
Time gets you to know things; how to act/react, what to do etc. It makes people start to respect others' opinions and be an overall mature person. Is the average adult more or less mature than an average kid?

I do know where you're coming from though. Some people just don't mature.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:28 am
by Fluffy977
But, you could argue, the best way to learn is to, experience it. And yes, he will make mistakes, but so did Zerg, so did Bonds, so did every other admin, but they learned from it and moved on.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:38 am
by Mythic316
The more the better :D

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:02 pm
by tomvanberkel
Ok, I haven't reacted on this discussion untill now because i wanted to read all your reactions and points of view about this first.

So basically what i understand is that the reasons me and/or others shouldn't be mod (yet) are:
1. there are enough mods, we have eve/wall-e
2. some players are a member of kreatious longer than me
3. I was just made vtn
4. no experience

I would like to adress these points one by one just to let you know how i feel about it.
1. there are enough mods, we have eve/wall-e
I totally disagree on this one. I have been mod for 3 days now and I already had 2 time that i was questioning 1 griefer and had 2 seperate grief alerts at the same time. And eve/wall-e did not react on those.
There are many attempts to grief. The automated griefprotection is awesome because it catches a lot.
But its not 100% and therefore mods are necessairy. Because mods also have a life, they can not be online 24/7.
So to get more hours coverred by mods, more mods where needed.

2. Some players are a member of kreatious longer than me
Although promoting from default to rsd player goes by number of hours played, getting promoted to vtn/mod should not be about hours online or even when you joined. Sure it is necessary that a player is online often, but there are other factors to consider. Is he helpfull, does he follow the rules. Is he active on the forums/teamspeak as well? Is he nice to other players? Maturity of behaviour and decisions is also a big thing. I am not saying that I am better than others in every way. Not at all. But I do work for it. I try my best to help allong the community in general without self interest. And it got noticed.

3. I was just made vtn
Ok i do have to agree on this one. I was surprised that I was made mod so quickly after getting vtn status.
And there are a lot of veterans that are vtn longer than me. I can not answer why i was chosen over the other veterans. The other mods/zerg should answer that one. All i can say is, when made vtn, i helped the mods/chatmods out even more with griefs and general projects, than i did before.

4. no experience
Indeed I do not have experience about being a mod. But I do have experience as troubleshooter/problemsolver as i am webmaster/designer at a publishing company. I deal with difficult customers on a day to day basis.
And experience as a mod? you only get experience by becoming one..

It was a long text here and maybe you're like TLTR. But I was a bit surprised to read the negative thoughts about a new mod, and me as one. I do realise the criticism some may have of my swift promotion. Yes I will make mistakes, I am only human. But I strive to be a good and fair mod. Hopefully i can persuade the critics to see me as a good mod and serve the community with honor.


Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:31 am
by mattchuu
I'll stand by tom. I can't point out every reason he became a mod and the other vtn's didn't...try me.

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:45 am
by Brother_Con2173
Lol, one of the main reasons ur a mod, tomvanberkel, is most likely BECAUSE you are so new. Zerg's been with all us oldie Vtns for a while, and seen that he doesnt want us as mods... so... lol.

*and plus, I wouldn't entrust mattchuu with a peanut. :3*

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:26 am
by mattchuu
HEY! don't bring my dislike for nuts into this...

But so far I've yet to see Tom go bad. I still think we need more mod though...

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:23 pm
by zerg960
teh two new people got moderator because the few active moderators wanted them to be moderator..

Re: More mod-er-ators? Vote now!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:12 pm
by HovR
So.. I have two things in this thread I want to respond to.

We need more mods in the [...] timezone! Why are you not promoting them?

We are well aware that certain timezones need active moderators more than others, however we can't just promote a player to moderator because they are in a certain timezone. When we promote moderators we discuss who is suitable to take on a moderator role - Not if they are in the timezone we need.

Factors we consider when picking moderators:

How mature the player is. How long they have played on the server. How active the player is in the whole community. Previous record on the server. Trustworthiness. Helpfulness.

If the player happens to live in a timezone we need moderating, then that is an added bonus - Not a reason to promote them.

I have been on the server for much longer than [Name], why are they mod, and I am not?

Yes, no one has actually worded it like this, but it is how it sounds. The fact is, certain people are just not good mod candidates. They may never be promoted - Remember, becoming moderator is not a natural progression!

On the other hand, there are other types of players who put themselves out there. They are active in the community, and show themselves to be trustworthy and mature enough to take on the moderator rank - All without even trying. It is just natural for them. We recognize these players, and they are the ones who will most likely get promoted.

If you are logging onto the server every day with the goal of becoming staff, then it is unlikely you ever will - As players who want to become staff generally don't have the qualities we look for in a moderator.

Hope this has cleared some things up.