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/Events 20 usser limit not enough peaple to /go

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:13 pm
by hiyouhiyou
The 20 player limit should be smaller ween there is less then 20 people on are the event should not work if theirs less then 20 players on and a message could show up saying:there is not enough people for EVENT to /go

If you didn't know 2 start an event you do /hostevent decryption
2 start an event but remember there is needs to be at lest 20 people on for the event to /go.

Re: /Events 20 usser limit not enough peaple to /go

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:25 pm
by jack_addy
its /hostevent :?

Re: /Events 20 usser limit not enough peaple to /go

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:55 pm
by hiyouhiyou
OK my mistake thanks jack_addy.

Re: /Events 20 usser limit not enough peaple to /go

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 1:37 pm
by harshlife
The reason the limit exists is to prevent people just using it as a summon.
While i think there should be a lower limit, i dont think it should scale all the way down.

During the european morning period i dont really see more than 20 people online often (though i havent been on enough recently to say for certain).

I think minimum of 10 when there are less than 20 people online might be of some benafit, but again, it shouldnt be so low as to let people abuse it to summon people to their house.

Edit: You could definitely argue wether you could really consider something with less than 20 people an "event".. in which case, using the /hostevent system shouldnt be applicable.

Re: /Events 20 usser limit not enough peaple to /go

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 1:43 pm
by hiyouhiyou
I agree with harshlife it should be 10 when there are less than 20
also if there are somehow less then 10 then it should tell you that there is not the required players for event to /go
are some with less words tells you there not the required players.

Re: /Events 20 usser limit not enough peaple to /go

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:56 am
by Neko92
The way it seems... It should be half number of players online.
40+ players have it require 20 to host
30 players requires 15 to host
15 players requires 8 to host
and so on... (rounded up)

I would suggest a way for mods (or by vote) to override the /hostevent for legit events, like spleefs, pvp matches, Zerg's ender Events and even A New Town Unveiling . (unlike "pvp at spawn!" "help dig my city" "see my new house" etc)

Thoughts? Go.

Re: /Events 20 usser limit not enough peaple to /go

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:58 am
by Irish_Ninja
I like this idea ^
I think the ability to override the player requirement would be a simple fix to this problem. It's not hard for us to tell which events are legit, and which are just pointless crap.

I'd also like to make a suggestion that /hostevent ought to be disabled within Spawn limits. Really defeats the purpose.

Re: /Events 20 usser limit not enough peaple to /go

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:46 am
by hommelgardigan
I like ur idea too Neko, the only problem is having the /hostevent do that. We'll have to contact Zerg with this.