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In the end..

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:07 pm
by UpMax

Most of you might know me, I was the promoter of kreatious until the split. I just want to say a couple of things, I don't want to leave it like that, I am not that kind of person (even though lately, some of you might think different)

I've made mistakes, it's true, I was foolish and thought too high of myself, and it took a community split for me to see clearly. I am sorry to Mattchu, Shadowofrsr, Bondsmatthew, and other people (you know who you are) if I treated you like less of a person, it was never my intention, and I do want to appolgise for it. I see now what I did wrong, and I'm trying to change

When the server has split, I was full of anger, but I don't really understand why ? Now that I see things clearly, I had no reason for it. I felt betrayed in some way, but now I understand both point of views, and I see why it had to happen. I don't blame either side, both admins had good points

Also I would like to clear some things up about me leaving kreatious, it is not because of the server split, I have been planning leaving kreatious for 2 months now, you guys can ask Grape or K2, they both know it. It's not because I didn't have fun, because I did have a blast, it's because I felt I needed something new, my videos needed a new start

Hope you guys have lots of fun in the future, and who knows, maybe I will drop by sometime

Re: In the end..

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:13 pm
by iExspee
Max I am so sad that you will be leaving I have left some private messages on your youtube to give you some more great servers. But no server is like this.
And now we have to find another promoter, I am going to try become a promoter if Zerg will give me the rank then I too will do videos for this server practically daily if you want to see my youtube channel its

Re: In the end..

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:21 pm
by kenny0011
Max... I feel I need to say thanks. to you. *yes* =o

If it was without your videos, I would probably not be typing this message, as I would never have found kreatious.


Re: In the end..

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:01 pm
by mattchuu
Thanks man, Have fun, good luck. Thanks for making this all possible for me.

Re: In the end..

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:59 pm
by iExspee
and i would also like to say.
You were the person who inspired me to play kreatious and minecraft
you should definitely have much more views on your videos then you are getting

Re: In the end..

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:31 am
by Snakejay
Upmax, sad to see you go, i didnt really talk or hang out with you much but without you i wouldnt have known about this server. So thank you :D

Re: In the end..

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:37 am
by maizmadness
Thank you Max for showing me to kreatious i am very grateful for that. And i think the whole community should be very thankful for you have helped kreatious grow to be one of the best servers out there Thank you max :D

Re: In the end..

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:28 am
by xxKuro
All I would like to say to you Max is this.....

Thank you....

Without you I probably would never have really played SMP..

Re: In the end..

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:15 am
by bossman1113
Max, you will be dearly missed. Though I don't know you like most others, and my decision to join the server wassnt inspired by you, I still know you as a great, friendly part of our community. I doubt half of this server would be here if it weren't for your videos, and I'm glad that you did. I probably wouldn't have the great friends here if you didn't make those videos.

I'm not going to say goodbye, because every member of kreatious, even the ones that are apart of the other community, will eventually return. Maybe for a day, or week, or even a month. Who knows? But it was great crafting with ya.

Re: In the end..

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:07 pm
by eli7613
Max we will be missing you on the server! The only reason i joined MineCraft and Kreatious is because of your videos and now i also started playing TF2 because of you max i hope you come back sometime and good luck with your videos!