ill be gone for awhile
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:19 am
i guess not making the vet vote was just the straw that broke the camels back to me, i guess it is my fault though because i curse and make jokes about people in global and like to mess around too much. I have always needed long breaks between minecraft sessions because it gets boring to me too.... zerg960 your an amazing admin and i hold nothing against you, i will always be loyal to kreatious and will stay with you from vc and beyond.... I will probably be back in december for a new start on the server with new faces and a whole new world to await me. killer can have all my stuff... I will be back in december and i will sometimes randomely vote for keratinous on minestatus because no matter what kreatious is the best server i have ever seen (and ive seen a lot of servers). I guess thats all i wanted to say.... also remember me in december and have fun!!!