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Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:41 pm
by Teslaterror
I have proof that zeenoo tried trapping me in an adminium box with his powers then he banned me claiming i was threatening him.

He tried trapping me in this box.


This is a sign of immaturity, showing he is unfit to be a moderator, He has broken the rule
"Dont Harass Other Players "

A moderator is supposed to be "
Moderator: Extremely trust worthy and helpful players. Chosen by existing staff to help protect and manage the server.

He is not being trustworthy with his abilities and using them to be harmful to me. This is a form of cyberbullying which if I recall is frowned upon as well as the fact a moderator is doing it, especially since he is in a position of trust and using his privileges to cyberbully a teenager with asperger's syndrome as well as the fact that he is ignorant to the fact that I am an individual with a mental disability means he is commiting an act of discrimination in which most jurors would favor me over the one being the cyberbully as well the fact that zeenoo is 23 years of age would be considered harassment of a minor since I am only 16 and if I were to report this to proper authorities, knowing the fact i have asked him politely several times to cease with these actions, he will not desist.

Zeenoo, Harassing minors over the internet is illegal and a felony which frankly would land you four years in a state prison or county jail with a fine of approximately 5000$; On a side note, i were to contact Kreatious's service provider, the whole server can become under scrutiny for your transgression so quit harassing my while I am trying to play and relax.

Re: Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:12 pm
by Zeenoo
Yup, more threats. I've extended your ban to the forums as well. You need to learn to stop threatening people.

Re: Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:31 pm
by zuko135
That's called /jail anyway, it's just a thingy mods use to either troll, or stop u from what u are doing. Also, he is a troll, he and Cruiserman always troll me and I laugh, I don't complain to them like this. And one last thing, I doubt the goverment of your state or the country will do anything about one little troll since they're are many other ones on BILLIONS of servers in the US alone. So just drop it. (ik he is banned but I'm just saying)

Re: Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:55 pm
by Zeenoo
On my drive home from work, I thought about how to best clarify this for Tesla and anyone else interested.

Tesla, I am going to give you the opportunity to curb your behaviour before things get worse. You have been nothing but a problem for the last month or so. You were warned about using movehacks on the server. Rather than get rid of them, you argued about them and persisted until you were banned for them. You then tried making threads on the forum to get support for the movehacks. It's up to zerg, not you, to decide which mods are allowed on HIS server.

Secondly, you're painting a very one-sided picture here. You have tried bullying others to do as you wish. You tried pressuring zerg into allowing the movehacks as I stated above. After Manthony, a member of your town, griefed your trees, I came to help you out and rolled them back. While doing this, a known bug in worldedit caused your chests to be emptied. While I tried working on getting your stuff back, you went nuts, telling me I had to pay you back. When I said no, you persisted and tried to get me to give you a beacon to make you happy. Again I said no. Then you tried holding zerg liable for your loss. You were incredibly out of line in this situation.

Third, you tried killing me outside of PvP. You can't explain that one away. Moderators use bones; they help us with grief alerts as well as showing block history. I afk'd in your house to look something up on my other screen. I heard suffocation sounds and dragged myself into questioning so I wouldn't die. That is not 'protecting' your house; that's a form of grief.

You can't claim someone is bullying you when things don't go your way. Also, your legal threats are laughable at best. Bash me, great, but don't try threatening the server. If you ever, EVER do something like that and threaten the server again, I will permaban your IP and never think twice. I will not tolerate people threatening ANYONE on this server with legal action.

From here, you have three options.
1. Appeal your ban. Acknowledge your disruptive behaviour and assure us that it will not occur in the future. Any appeal you make had better include an apology to zerg for your actions.
2. Wait out your ban in silence.
3. Continue to threaten other players.

If you choose 1. or 2., your behaviour had best change. You need to understand your actions are not acceptable in any community norm. If you choose option 3, then I will ban you, full stop.

I am unbanning you from the forum so that you can decide which path to take.

Re: Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:12 pm
by iExspee
Zeenoo is a great mod and doesn't just ban people for the sake of it.

Re: Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:09 am
by Teslaterror
Zeenoo Wrote:On my drive home from work, I thought about how to best clarify this for Tesla and anyone else interested.

Tesla, I am going to give you the opportunity to curb your behaviour before things get worse. You have been nothing but a problem for the last month or so. You were warned about using movehacks on the server. Rather than get rid of them, you argued about them and persisted until you were banned for them. You then tried making threads on the forum to get support for the movehacks. It's up to zerg, not you, to decide which mods are allowed on HIS server.

Secondly, you're painting a very one-sided picture here. You have tried bullying others to do as you wish. You tried pressuring zerg into allowing the movehacks as I stated above. After Manthony, a member of your town, griefed your trees, I came to help you out and rolled them back. While doing this, a known bug in worldedit caused your chests to be emptied. While I tried working on getting your stuff back, you went nuts, telling me I had to pay you back. When I said no, you persisted and tried to get me to give you a beacon to make you happy. Again I said no. Then you tried holding zerg liable for your loss. You were incredibly out of line in this situation.

Third, you tried killing me outside of PvP. You can't explain that one away. Moderators use bones; they help us with grief alerts as well as showing block history. I afk'd in your house to look something up on my other screen. I heard suffocation sounds and dragged myself into questioning so I wouldn't die. That is not 'protecting' your house; that's a form of grief.

You can't claim someone is bullying you when things don't go your way. Also, your legal threats are laughable at best. Bash me, great, but don't try threatening the server. If you ever, EVER do something like that and threaten the server again, I will permaban your IP and never think twice. I will not tolerate people threatening ANYONE on this server with legal action.

From here, you have three options.
1. Appeal your ban. Acknowledge your disruptive behaviour and assure us that it will not occur in the future. Any appeal you make had better include an apology to zerg for your actions.
2. Wait out your ban in silence.
3. Continue to threaten other players.

If you choose 1. or 2., your behaviour had best change. You need to understand your actions are not acceptable in any community norm. If you choose option 3, then I will ban you, full stop.

I am unbanning you from the forum so that you can decide which path to take.

1) I havent actually been that bad lately, its not like I have throwing tnt carts through portals to see where they end up, and I havent been using Smartmovement lately because it slows my normal land speed down considerably. I got caught up in the hype for this mod cuz of the whole better swimming/diving cause i often drown alot while trying to get squiddies, sorry about that one cause i have feeling if we actually did, alot more players would be dying cause of it or try to do stupid stunts like hanging of the side of a skyscrapers which i did one time.

2) Wait Manthony29 griefed the trees? I apologize for barking you and zerg for that, Now pardon me while I go find my lasso and wait for the Horse update then drag someone down sunset avenue. I extremely apologize for snapping at you during my panic moment, you should have told me who griefed the trees in the first place.

3) Ehh... Not the first time of tried getting a moderator out of my home but i do not live in the sky like use to where i could simply dig underneath the moderator and have him drop in a river. Its kind of rude to loiter in someone's house without their permission especially for elongated periods of time.

4) you pushed me a little too far with the random jailing thing when I was simply hanging out in spawn as well with the random teleportations when I am working on something; especially when I politely asked you to quit it several times, its funny the first or second time but the third time i start getting irritated but when it gets to be 6th or 7th, Heads will roll!

this is kind of a leftover behavior from the time I spent on moonlight where if someone kept repeatedly attacking my fort, I would find a way into their base while they were busy then plant TNT then lite it then break their chests then start burning everything they had that I couldn't carry, they learned that nipping at me will end up with me biting back...Hard.

Its also part of asperger's where I have poor diplomatic skills, I am pretty nice person when people aren't giving me hell but how I kind of react to being challenged is like if a fly were buzzing around and decide to pull a tiny mini shotgun out then shoot me in the rear then starts laughing about it, I would fire a nuclear missile on the little bugger.

That would be funny if we had mo explosives and if people tried starting crap with me, I would simply learn where there home cooords were then Nuke/Clusterbomb it if they didn't play nice with me LOL

Re: Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:14 am
by Zeenoo
Well, that's it then, man. You just need to learn to reel yourself in a bit. Words on paper carry no emotions. You need to find a way to disengage with people instead of escalating the situation. Even with your aspergers, you'll need to learn how to effectively communicate on this server. I'm probably the most hard-line mod on the server, and I have very little tolerance for people who try to tamper with the integrity of the server, but if you can keep yourself cool and collected, I have no problem welcoming you back with no prejudice.

Re: Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:14 am
by Teslaterror
Zeenoo Wrote:Well, that's it then, man. You just need to learn to reel yourself in a bit. Words on paper carry no emotions. You need to find a way to disengage with people instead of escalating the situation. Even with your aspergers, you'll need to learn how to effectively communicate on this server. I'm probably the most hard-line mod on the server, and I have very little tolerance for people who try to tamper with the integrity of the server, but if you can keep yourself cool and collected, I have no problem welcoming you back with no prejudice.

Yeah just get real excited sometimes then I get a bit crazy, In moonlight I was often recruited into factions that used me as the beserker to charge in the enemy's base then slaughter them then have me destroy everything that they held dear, Leroy jenkins didn't have crap on me! They often sicked me on specific players, hunting them down or butchering the weakest members of enemy clans.

Re: Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:52 am
by ChubbyPikachu25
I agree with them. Tesla, you just complain on the forums. You NEVER and I mean NEVER are fun or do anything productive on here. You just complain.

Re: Zeenoo abusing his powers.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:36 am
by Nahuda
ChubbyPikachu25 Wrote:I agree with them. Tesla, you just complain on the forums. You NEVER and I mean NEVER are fun or do anything productive on here. You just complain.

I don't want to take sides or anything, but recently Tesla contributed some quite intuitive autosmelter designs (for vanilla). He's not all that bad, maybe you should check it out, the concepts are actually pretty cool. :)