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A little problem

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:51 am
by VVX1000
When i went on today, Someone blew up a TNT statue on my land that was owned by someone else because of /hire.
And now eve or the auto-kicker keeps kicking me every time i go on. Can a Mod fix this before i get banned for no reason? I did not build, or destroy anything. I just sat there being away from the keyboard and then i came back and it said i got kicked. I tried it again, I got kicked again and so on. So can someone help me before i get banned from this amazing server? :(

Re: A little problem

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:47 am
by SonicFF7
The auto kicker bans are only 2-5 minutes, so... ._.
Also, I'm not sure how this really happened, so a Mod can help... I mean, it shouldn't kick you for doing nothing. So it's just Eve being retarded I guess. So no reason to be scared from being bad, OK?

Re: A little problem

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:04 pm
by follet8
i think i might just know the reason : a couple of weeks ago, i was wandering around creative. And, i came across some kind of lava fall with burning things and water and tnt... it was a mess. And, every 5 seconds, the tnts blew up and it said on my screen :
-TNT explosion too big, no damage has been caused (or something like that)
-ask <someone's username i forgot> before you continue
-if you continue, you will get kicked

so i flew away from that place.
I didn't do anything, just went across that mess wich wasn't mine. myabe you were blamed by eve for doing something someone else did not too far from you.

Re: A little problem

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:31 pm
by VVX1000
Exactly what follet said, happened to me on Friday and i need a mod to help me fix that problem. Can they make the land mine again so i don't need to keep going threw this? At least I know that it's not just me.

Re: A little problem

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:49 pm
by leftypitcher28
It a loop hole it's happen many times it has eve with a big explosion and resets it but something restarts it again thus creating a infanit loop hole.