Ghast or Void
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:07 pm
Void: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=3576
Ghast: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=3568
i will be making a decision about the clan i talked with the leader of the other clan, my 10 year old newphew handymannyjr about the clans. he owns void and i own ghast but everysince we split the clan into two it feels empty not having everything into one group,
so i have decided to choose between one clan and inform everyone and therfore move everyone into one single clan to reunite all members
which clan do you guys think is better [Ghast] or [Void]
i will be making a decision in 21 hours after my ban time is over. i have talked to 3 members so far but need everyone opinion. if we decide the members who know already will be moved and everyone else would have to wait
no more having 2 clans... its either going to be [Ghast] or [Void]
handy and i both agree as the leaders of the clans that is is better to stay together as a single clan than to be split. this would mean of course one clan would be removed or deleted while the other will be the ONE AND ONLY clan for all members.
Minetroid: memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=40415
HandymannyJr: memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=28704