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What do you think? "Ticket thread"

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:40 pm
by SirDukem
In response to this thread
I'm posing the question...what do you guys think of having a 'ticket' forum?

I would really only -like- to cover ban requests.
-Ban requests -- Notion must be seconded by another person, and both must provide screenshots.

However, options are there for more tickets. Such as reporting griefs, but this would require so much work on our part.

Keep in mind when discussing this, that even this sub-forum would require some work on mods be-half. Looking over post, making sure player isn't banned for it already, then banning them. However, doing this could make the community VERY happy, them knowing that we are mods for THEM, and not for ourselves.

So discuss :)

Re: What do you think? "Ticket thread"

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:14 pm
by HovR
I suggest that reporting griefs is kept in-game. We obviously can't teleport to the grief from the forums, and I don't particularly want to have to repeatedly walk all the way across the map to grief reported on the forums.

However I agree with this for users breaking chat rules - Using the criteria you set out above. :)

Re: What do you think? "Ticket thread"

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:46 am
by SirDukem
Hehe, I wouldn't expect to walk to it. I would demand we get a teleport to a coord, before we do that ;) But yeah, I think starting small on a project like this would be the best proposal.

Re: What do you think? "Ticket thread"

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:19 pm
by HovR
Yeah, if we could teleport to co-ords it would be ok, however last time Zerg tried this it crashed the server every time we tried to use it.. lol.

Re: What do you think? "Ticket thread"

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:42 pm
by SirDukem
Oh, lol well then that could be on the back burner ;)

What does anybody else think about having the forum for players to submit chat-related offenses, harassment, cursing, advertising, etc.?

My gut instinct is that it will start strong and fade away after 3-4 weeks, but I'd be glad to be proved wrong.

We have 4 votes, but I know we have a ton of mods now :) Would like at least a majority vote yes before I ask HovR to implement adding the sub-forum.