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Snow block issue

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:48 am
by kernick
I was looking forward to making my house out of snow, but seems like we are unable to make snow blocks in the survival server. Anyone know about this? Is it going to be fixed?

Re: Snow block issue

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:41 pm
by kieranchocian
I think zerg disabled it, as people were placing snow golems around the server, creating mess. I doubt he will change his mind, so go onto the /mine world, and get some snow from a snow biome. :)

Re: Snow block issue

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:28 am
by follet8
I believe snow blocks can't be found naturally :/ sooo.... :? (i never heard of the plugin... why not just make snow golems not spawn when there's a pumpkin on top of two snow blocks? :/ anyways... i think snow's pretty, too bad it can't be crafted anymore :( )

Re: Snow block issue

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:13 am
by iExspee
Okay here is the correct answer i think your looking for :)

There is a glitch/bug in smp atm about not being able to make snow blocks out of snowballs, Also I wouldn't be making your house out of those snow blocks anyway when this gets fixed in possibly the next update on April 5th 2012 (1 day away) Because in 1.2.5 (5th April) or 1.3 (Late April) Snow blocks will melt with +7 velocity from the suns rays or other lighting blocks such as Torches, glowstone or redstone torches, the suns rays are +15 as the same for glowstone and torches, and redstone torches have a velocity of +7 (I believe) To make sure snow does not melt you will need to have your snow block 15 blocks away from a torch with no sun or any light for that matter.

I hope this helped you out :)