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Y are you all hatin on me?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:15 pm
by supermariobubba
I have come back to kreatious but I noticed that there is a large increase in disliking of me... viper doesn't want me in his town and he didn't even tell me why. Sonic doesn't like me anymore and i dont think mccoy does either. Zerg obviously hates me and he demoted me. Viper told me that zerg demoted me for reason: "Traitor" ... I dont know what you mean by that. I am NOT an Arcation fanboy, I actually play there less then here. I dont go play on Arcation and diss kreatious, when i dont play here i play on pvp servers.
About the video... I made a video titles "Most greifed creative server ever" It was a crappy 3 FPS video about how greifed our creative server was, and if you are mad that "I made us look bad" it is the staff and zerg's fault for not caring about creative. Now that creative has been reset there is no reason to say that I hate kreatious, becausse I dont. I did not make the video as an Anit-kreatious ad I made it to show people how greifed our creative server was. So please explain why you all dislike/hate me.

Re: Y are you all hatin on me?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:21 pm
by malandrix_bunny
Tsk. Tsk. You do not even know why creative was griefed -_- For a couple of minutes the grief database was down and that meant anti-grief temporarily did not work. With this there was a large amount of grief. Why not roll-back grief? Because rolling back the grief would not work from the DB crash. + for your information there is a new spawn. Hope you understand why everyone is really mad at you now :evil:

Re: Y are you all hatin on me?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:35 pm
by kieranchocian

Seriously though, if you plan on staying somewhere, why would you try and humiliate them? Even after this post, the video is still up there on Youtube...

Oh yeah, you wrote this in the comments: "and i would rather this server be greifed than arcation. arcation's mod team isnt a bunch of grassholes"

BTW, I don't hate/dislike you.

Re: Y are you all hatin on me?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:43 pm
by McCoy1996
That video was obviously done as demoting. People from arcation were directed to it, the chance of them randomly seeing it is very very unlikely if they were not directed to it... So yeah, you cause to much trouble than what you are worth to server growth.

Re: Y are you all hatin on me?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:24 pm
by aceflamingo23
man i agree with supermariobubba you guys be hating on him for nothing

Re: Y are you all hatin on me?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:17 pm
by Irish_Ninja
So let's say a player were to post videos on youtube of them griefing our server, then link that video all over the community of the server he or she knows we don't get along with. If your logic works, that player should be welcomed into our community with open arms, just as any other valued player, too. I'm sorry, but it really doesn't work that way. It will take time before you regain a lot of people's trust.

I'm sure we're all happy to have you back, despite your somewhat traitorous 'promotional video.' But if you really understood what you did, you wouldn't be complaining about losing any rank, and you'd just be happy to not be banned.

Luckily, we believe in second chances here; a lot of second chances. So if you're sincere about coming back, I wish you best of luck.

Re: Y are you all hatin on me?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:26 am
by supermariobubba
I "made a greifing video and spread it all over a server we dont get along with"? First of all, I was showing other's greifs. second I did not post that video anywhere on arcation

Re: Y are you all hatin on me?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:21 am
by TheZaqwsxz
Then how did Unboxer know about it?

Re: Y are you all hatin on me?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:45 pm
by supermariobubba
How should I know? prob an arcation guy stumbled upon it and showed it to him