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Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:36 pm
by SASpursFan
Hi Kreatious,
I am letting you know that I am going to stop playing minecraft, as I am growing up D: I already cannot play in the weekdays, and in the weekends, I have to play rugby, basketball, paper-run ect. Every time I am free, I would immediatly go to play Kreatious. As you may have noticed, I have not been active on Kreatious in 2 weeks. These 2 weeks have been especially hard for me, because I had been studying for extremely important tests. I am still going to go on Kreatious every once and a while. But I will not be on the same amount of time, like I was before. I wouldn't be suprised if I couldn't go on in a long stretch, but the holidays are coming up for me, so I'll hopefully be on quite a lot. I am passing the complete ownership of Grand City, to Sonicff7. He has been great to me, in so many ways. I know this sounds extermely cheesy, but Sonic has effected me in ways, outside of minecraft. He made me happy, on daily bases when I played on Kreatious with him. Infact, a lot of you affected me in more ways then possible. Here is a little list of people who have been fantastic to me. I may miss a lot of you out, but I will remember Kreatious, as the best minecraft server ever, by miles.

SonicFF7: My best friend on Kreatious. He is a fantastic guy and I remember in the comments of the Vet vote he won, a whole lot of people also expressed their feelings about what a great guy he is. I could go on forever about this guy, but I have to talk about other peope aswell. :P Btw, Happy B-Day!

TheZaqwsxz and Veilain: I remember when Zaq was in his first 10 hours of the creative server, when he was a default, he some how flew 3500 blocks over to me, without even knowing about the live map, and helped me out for about 6 hours straight, on some spleef arena, and massive bridge, which turned out to look amazing. Zaq was so consistant with all his work. He, half the time, helps Veil with Veilzaq; where he lives. And all the other times, he is helping other people, with Veil, to develope other cities ect.

The Vets who helped me out like: PureBoTheBuilder, Arjan_M, Neko92, Aquad1, and more: You guys are so active on the chat, and I love people like that. I hate those really arkward people, who can't start up a converstion, but you guys have all great personalities. Their vocal, and physical help to Kreatious is amazing.

The Mods who helped me out like: Mccoy1996, cruiserman, TheOWCA, Irish_Ninja, fluffytoast, and more: When I had just started the server, in the golden ages when the server was one, (please don't dispute over this in the chat plz XD) I was a regulat default. As soon as I spawned on the server, I especially remember a resident, named Fluffytoast, welcoming me on to the server. As soon as him, along as current mods welcomed me to the server, I knew this was the server I was going to stay on, and stick on. All the other mods I am great friends with on the chat. And these guys are extremely good mods. Not too soft, and not too hard. These guys kept the server alive. And for that, these guys were a significant part of my memories of Kreatious.

Zerg960: Kreatious is the best server in minecraft. The owner of Kreatious is Zerg960. Do the math :3

And, to leave on a good note, I am not quiting Kreatious. I will be on once in a while. I made this post for the guys that have been amazing to me. And to resign in Grand City. But I know that the future is bright for Kreatious. And this server, without a doubt, will be no. 1 on minestatus some time :3


Re: Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:30 pm
by Arjan_M

Re: Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:26 pm
by TheZaqwsxz
Bai my friend, i will miss you loads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:37 am
by iExspee
Have fun and enjoy your life... your welcome back any day :)

Re: Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:37 am
by cruiserman
I wish you well on your tests and I hope to see you around.

Re: Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:55 am
by 007coolcube
NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I'm gonna cry! (not really) I will miss u sas, my only fallow nz mate in donor chat supporting nz! (whoo sheep) :( bye. I will miss u so _much_

Re: Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:01 am
by SASpursFan
Lawl NZ ftw sowwy 007 I forgot to mention u D: I wove you anyways XD thanks for everyone who have commented.

Re: Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:20 am
by bondsmatthew
:( Bai SAS, you were/are a good friend(even though I banned you once D: ). I wish you luck! <3

Re: Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:48 pm
by SonicFF7
Oh, SAS.. All the good times we have had. I will miss you bro, I will miss you a lot. It won't be the same without you.
I'll complete the city, and I also have another small project in mind after I do that.
Hope the wind guides you to a safe place. :cry:

Re: Goodbye Kreatious

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:40 pm
by GoldenGuy45
Good luck with those test! See ya round! ;) Oh and... Don't get run over a bus!! Okay?