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1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:49 am
by 007coolcube
Yoday I heard that 1.2.5 was coming out soon! Awesome! But then I heard that snow blocks will melt when close to that case spawned is screwed <---sorry if I cant say that one forums. In spawn there is _alot_ of snow, most of that snow is above or below glowstone. So we either need to replace the snow with wool or Zerg patch it up. Any ideas on what to do?

Re: 1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:56 am
by TheZaqwsxz
There only melted by Lava, torches etc.

Re: 1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:57 am
by cruiserman
Well most of spawn is snow I know because I was there...... White wool looks nasty though.

Re: 1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:01 am
by 007coolcube
So white wool is not a option? Then what do we use? Tolitet paper?

Re: 1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:40 am
by kieranchocian
Or we could prod zerg with a stick until he makes a plugin that prevents it...

Re: 1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:49 pm
by cruiserman
I guess I can live with white wool make a poll

Re: 1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:25 pm
by SirDukem
was it an april fools joke?!

Re: 1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:37 pm
by 007coolcube
Dukem it's not a Joke buddy :( and im not sure how to make polls

Re: 1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:20 pm
by Neko92
so... playing around with the 1.2.5 pre-release i decided to test snow on top of Glowstone, jack o lantern, torch, and lava source... after 20 minutes Still no effect. Nor in the 1.2.5 changes does it say anything about snow melting... or even on the wiki page's upcoming features! So I'm curious, Where did this presumed rumor start?

My Test:
Start: 4:36 pm 4/1/2012
Finish: 5:16 pm 4/1/2012


Minecraft 1.2.5 Pre-release -

Changes -
Added shift clicking support in furnaces
Added method to easily acquire blocks you have selected in the world in Creative mode using the ‘pick block’ key
Made the Direct Connect dialog remember the last IP for the current session
Fixed issues detected certain links in chat
Fixed wild ocelots behaving like tamed cats
Fixed various chat crashes
Made cats less eager to sit on things
Made cats less patient
Fixed world generation failing under certain circumstances
Fixed issues turning off sound under certain circumstances
Removed all ghost entities under the command of Lord Herobrine
Fixed crash when pasting certain characters in chat
Fixed slash ‘/’ key not behaving correctly in certain environments
Fixed command matching being too greedy (for example: typing ‘/stophammertime’ no longer stops your server)
Fixed not being able to click coloured links
Fixed potential issue with village door detection (which could cause too many villagers)
Made using a stack of bowls on Mooshrooms not consume the whole stack of bowls
Made punching a TNT block with flint and steel in hand destroy and drop a TNT block (right-clicking will activate the TNT)

Wiki Upcoming Features -

Re: 1.2.5 stuffing spawn

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:35 pm
by aceflamingo23
you should hire a gang to protect the holes in spawn when the snow melts