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Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:36 pm
by harshlife
Not everyone may agree, but personally I think that the shops are getting a bit out of hand.
They've lost their neatness, when they were all relatively the same size without odd back rooms or dodgy looking designs. Most of spawn is pretty sweet (exclude the dodgy redstone testing quarter) but some of the shop designs (including my own) are somewhat questionable.

I kind of think we need to return to some kind of scheme with them.


EDIT: Added poll.

Mild may refer to additon of small changes, like adding blocks between your chests but maintaining the floor and walls of the spawn mall design.
For the purpose of this discussion i have edited my shop to reflect a "mild" or "minimalistic" sort of design with only a few variants. I might add that my shop would probably be considered VERY mild at present.

Re: Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:38 pm
by Arjan_M
Good post Harsh.

I am feeling mixed about it.

Make a poll, the winning outcome will be the final option of the shops -

Re: Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:15 pm
by McCoy1996
Unlimited, but if you move out you have to return the shop to its original condition, if not, 6 diamond fine? (gotta keep things in check with high fines)

Re: Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:27 pm
by harshlife
As a shop owner myself.. i'd also like to add that im a bit confused regarding people expanding their back wall.
Any opinions (or clarity) on that?

Re: Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:01 am
by cruiserman
Viper and I only changed the floor and if you wand the snow back I can give it back.

Re: Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:56 am
by iExspee
Well done harsh, nice post, good signs of future vtn/mod :) This is something that we need to discuss and zerg hasn't made himself clear ever on stuff like this, we do need to consider the shops, maybe arjan can do something about this with zerg :)

Re: Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:14 am
by cruiserman
I'll take it up with him as well since I helped with the whole project as well

Re: Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:00 am
by Irish_Ninja
I think editing the walls/floor/ceilings should be all good, and entirely up to the owner. And like Mccoy said, have the owner change them back to the original materials if he or she closes shop.

Some clarification on this, however... I think back rooms should be off limits entirely. You pay the diamonds for the space that you're given, and no more. It seems you'd be going past the deal if you expanded the space in your shop. If anything, adding a back room should cost extra diamonds, as if you were paying for another, or a large shop. As for the rest, as long as it's kept within it's original dimensions, customization should be completely fine.

My reason for saying this, is that a shop using the default design is boring, and also unpredictable. I like being able to distinguish which shops are which, without necessarily having to read every one of the signs. On top of this, players can customize their shop to portray what it is they're selling; e.g. a shop that sells coloured wool has rainbow wool walls, and a shop that sells items acquired in dungeons has mossy cobble floors and cobble walls.
If players are smart, they'll customize their shop to advertise their merchandise; and they'll do it in a way that looks appealing to people roaming the mall.

Re: Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:48 am
by vini123
I argee with irish, but it also makes the shops abit cooler. so i think if you do make an extra room you just pay extra. and the amout you pay extra then lays on how big your extra room is. :)

Re: Personalisation of Shops

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:12 pm
by Irish_Ninja
^ Or maybe back rooms can have set dimensions as well?