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Six Semper Tyran CyanCrusader!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:05 am
by 21Dachshund21
Well, as some know, I've taken up PvP server to keep my appeal of minecraft intact. I've decided to stop going to all PvE servers. this isn't really a sad goodbye, most people I like are on the server with me, and most people who like me know where I am. so, um, Hello, to the people I know, I will be seeing you much more often than I usually did (you're all awesome people) And goodbye, who the people who I don't know- you probably wouldn't like me anyways. :D
let's see... I have some final notes for certain people.
let's see....
Neko. I know what that dirt was for, snow told me before you did it. You're welcome you filthy feline.
xPod, I totally didn't immedietly have my alt join, and he totally didn't get head admin right after you banned me.
Gotmilkguy. You are the single worst person I've ever played with. I honestly considered claiming over your house and blowing up the chests with tnt several times before zerg fixed that.
masy1, 7sss, theraor, toxicboys, epicdude, and FishHuman. You all know where I am so no need for saying anything to you.
zerg960. You've spawned atleast 600 mobs, specifically directed towards me, and me only. those to nether parties, that one end part, and the time you replaced all the stone in my mine with silverfish. you're SO helpful in game.
Crusierman. You've kicked/banned me atleast 10 times for random stuff, from spamming, to hacking. never once, on any of your bans, was I actually guilty of whatever you banned me for.
Damek928. you're a good person and nice to non-noobs. where did you go? I miss you. you were fun. You're probably the only person I ever pvp'd on kreatious that had even a mild chance of winning.
morpher. I like you. I don't really see you muh or talk to you much but from when I have, you're decent
nezark123. You're the best competition I had, statitical wise. I remember when you were default. you're now cmod. I however have been rsd 4 times so I win.
[You random defaults I befriended] You guys. I don't like any of you. rea
[Random rsd's I befriended] You guys are ok. I don't really know any of you if I haven't already listed you.
killer. You're the only person I will actually talk to on ts. be proud of that.
moddedpizza. y u no talk in chat more
Hitlers_daddy. You're my favorite default. I know you on another server now, so, :D
Icefang13. You only recently ever appeared to like me. WHERE DO WE COME FROM WHERE DO WE GO WHERE DO WE COME FROM COTTEN EYED JOE

comedian14. I feel like I know you but I don't. you were eZ anyways...

well, I don't really want to make a long story of things I've done here. I took a few breaks in between when I got on, some so large I missed out on the coming and goings of a vtn once or twice. I joined about a year and a half ago and left today. I've been accused of hacking by so many people, some which are even mods, to such an extent that some of my internet friends and me have a inside joke concering "How'd you do that? Dach hax."
All the donors. I hate you guys. honestly. I do not like any of you, at all. emeraldcreeper, keefin, comedian, any of you. You all like to abuse the fact that the mods have to be nice to you because you're a donor.
Vtns. you're the best people. I have no complaints about any of you- I just wish you'd get on more.
I proably skipped alot of people and typed stuff wrong... reply what I missed if you find anything...
ay 7/10/13, I will no longer be replying to stuff here. Oh and btw Nahuda has the second est IGN, other than me :>
Bye. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Re: Six Semper Tyran CyanCrusader!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:42 am
by Nahuda
Bye Dach! I remember you were one of the first people to talk to me.. And you were actually nice. I respect you for that. Have fun and stay safe. :L

Re: Six Semper Tyran CyanCrusader!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:04 pm
by morpher26
thank you dach i think lol well i will see you around

Re: Six Semper Tyran CyanCrusader!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:11 pm
by 21Dachshund21
You're welcome morpher :D
I remembered after writing that that I do like you

Re: Six Semper Tyran CyanCrusader!

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:28 pm
by gotmilkguy84