I've been busy..
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:51 pm
Anti-greif stuff:
Mobs are no longer a viable source of free junk when being abused with the anti-greif. (You'll be banned)
Removed a method to potentially dupe objects (unrelated to animals).
Eve is now a bat.
Wither skulls no longer turn into skeleton skulls when broke. Existing skeleton skulls are now wither skulls.
Eve fixes fire better.
Mods: /revert now shows who started the fire
Eve now logs crop-stompers and automatically fixes the crops. Items still drop though, to appease the person stomping on the crops into making their own farm.
Eve will now protect dogs, cats, and iron golems, which aren't near a lot of other animals.
PvP stuff:
Poison/harming potions can no longer be used to kill people outside of PvP
No more hurt sounds when someone hits you outside of PvP.
Teleporty commands:
/wp, /warp, and /waypoint with no parameters, will now list all of your activated waypoints.
Waypoints from 1.7 beta are no longer shown.
Waypoint lists are now sorted alphabetically
/go no longer counts logged out players as counting towards the total.
/unhostevent can only be used on your own events now, unless you're a chat mod or above.
Relogging after typing /go will now let you not go to the event if you change your mind.
/hostevent can no longer be used to rehost failed events.
/setjob will announce itself as soon as it expires, instead of waiting until you teleport.
/setjob should no longer reset your /home when it does expire.
Doors near chests and furnaces are no longer treated as locked.
Explosions no longer break private signs
/r and /reply no longer forget who you're talking to after a plugin reload.
Chat mods can now reboot the server from webchat (They can also see greif alerts & what not on webchat too now)
Mobs are no longer a viable source of free junk when being abused with the anti-greif. (You'll be banned)
Removed a method to potentially dupe objects (unrelated to animals).
Eve is now a bat.
Wither skulls no longer turn into skeleton skulls when broke. Existing skeleton skulls are now wither skulls.
Eve fixes fire better.
Mods: /revert now shows who started the fire
Eve now logs crop-stompers and automatically fixes the crops. Items still drop though, to appease the person stomping on the crops into making their own farm.
Eve will now protect dogs, cats, and iron golems, which aren't near a lot of other animals.
PvP stuff:
Poison/harming potions can no longer be used to kill people outside of PvP
No more hurt sounds when someone hits you outside of PvP.
Teleporty commands:
/wp, /warp, and /waypoint with no parameters, will now list all of your activated waypoints.
Waypoints from 1.7 beta are no longer shown.
Waypoint lists are now sorted alphabetically
/go no longer counts logged out players as counting towards the total.
/unhostevent can only be used on your own events now, unless you're a chat mod or above.
Relogging after typing /go will now let you not go to the event if you change your mind.
/hostevent can no longer be used to rehost failed events.
/setjob will announce itself as soon as it expires, instead of waiting until you teleport.
/setjob should no longer reset your /home when it does expire.
Doors near chests and furnaces are no longer treated as locked.
Explosions no longer break private signs
/r and /reply no longer forget who you're talking to after a plugin reload.
Chat mods can now reboot the server from webchat (They can also see greif alerts & what not on webchat too now)