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Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:59 am
by Damek928
IGN: Damek928
Person who banned you: Eve (Autobanned)
Reason given for ban: Greiving Neko92s STEP
Reason you should be unbanned: I was making a new shopping mall in the end, but as I was building it Neko had permissions in one corned of the area and it autobanned me. I would like to be unbanned so I could finish my shop and if possible could I get someone to /ov me so I can build there easier.


Re: Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:07 am
by Irish_Ninja
From what I hear, Neko allowed you to build the road and around that circular area in the End. Not a shopping mall. That's something you're going to have to ask Neko permission for, considering it's technically his land. For now, I'm leaving it up to Neko to decide this one.

I'd like to point out, that this is becoming something of an issue as of late. I'm sure you wouldn't be too fond of someone just building a shopping mall in Stoneforge, because you allowed them to help build some roads. We had a discussion about this kind of thing, and we decided we need to hold Veterans to the same standards as defaults and residents. After all, they're supposed to be setting the example. It wouldn't be fair to give you the special treatment on this one. So we'll wait for Neko.

Re: Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:11 am
by Damek928
Neko doesnt own the end. People have dug endstone in the end and have ownership in different places. Other people have built building in the end and they dont need to ask before they start building.

Re: Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:16 am
by Irish_Ninja
He's the one who made that area what it is today. It's something you will have to speak to him about. Maybe he doesn't want a shopping mall right there?

Re: Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:19 am
by Damek928
He is not the one that made it. There were many others that have and put more work into than he has. He just placed some obsidan by the portal. Vini, Omgitsjosh, and me are the ones that build the rest of it and work to keep the end looking nice. Neko doesnt own the end or have anymore right to it

Re: Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:35 am
by Irish_Ninja
Ok, I'm getting no straight answers about who owns what. I consider the area a town, and it doesn't appear to have any definite owner.
I'm going to unban, but do not build it until we can come to some kind of consensus about this mall. I still suggest asking Neko before building there, as he has the highest land claim at the moment. Otherwise, there is a chance it could be removed, assuming there was a plan for that area.

Re: Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:42 am
by Damek928
Okay well i just talked to zerg and thought it was a good idea so i guess that settles that


Re: Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:45 am
by Irish_Ninja
Still, wait to build it. Nobody is /oving it yet, and you'll just get autobanned again.

Re: Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:01 am
by Neko92
I don't really care... it looks like crap since Damek and his lackies colonized it, if someone wants to override the end into his name so be it, just make sure your willing to take the rap when theres no more room in the end(just like the poll to regen the nether, because it's overly occupied and a isor), thanks to him ruining it.

Damek928 Wrote:Image

Regarding the screenshot, Please Do Not feed Zerg lies, Damek. You asked me to allow you in The_End to FIX HOLES so it would look nicer, then took my generosity for granted and started destroying what Aquad, Carlthompson, Me and few others had made, so you could colonize it (seemingly for yourself and friends, I don't see anyone else hollowing it out from underneath the surface).

The only reason I "owned" The_End was to fix it myself, slowly but surely covering surfaces holes and such. Proved difficult when the two main owners being Italiasoccer and Sharklord had been inactive for months. So with positive opinions about "claiming" The_End from others I did claim it so I could repair and maintain it (something you have failed to do since taking over the place). You owned nothing, till I allow'd you to fix it.

Good to know once again you are assuming ownership yourself, ignoring rules, no doubt glitching the logs in your favor, and appear to have a Moderator helping you to do so. Just like the first time. Anyone else notice the pattern?

Re: Autobanned D:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:39 pm
by kieranchocian
Regarding the picture, it sorta seems like zerg was suggesting building it in 'the new end' (Damek's platform).