The Great Halloween Pumpkin Hunt!
For about a week in October, Halloween pumpkins will be visible around the entire survival server to people that vote. The top people who collect the most valuable pumpkins will be rewarded with prizes!
What do they look like?
How do I collect them?You collect Halloween Pumpkins by getting close to them. They will then disappear.
Will I have to place or break any blocks to get to a pumpkin?No, you do not need to place any blocks or pillar up to get a pumpkin. There are no pumpkins in privated houses, because those people are mean and afraid they'll see someone. If you do cause issues by placing or breaking blocks to get an pumpkin, it will be considered
griefing, and you may end up being
Do not make 1x1 pillars to get to eggs.Where can I find them?Anywhere in the survival server. Mostly above ground. Some pumpkins are inside large buildings. A few pumpkins are hidden underground. Some are in the nether. Some are in the end. Some are out in the open.
I don't see any!You need to have voted at least once in the past month, or be promoted to Resident.
How do I tell how many pumpkins I've collected?Type
/halloween in game.
How do I tell how many pumpkins Neytiri collected?Type
/halloween Neytiri in game.
Can I tell how far from the top 3 pumpkin collectors I am?Yes, type
/halloween in game.
Do I get anything for collecting them?Yes. When you collect an egg you will obtain 1 Halloween egg that can be placed in your inventory. After the event is over these Halloween eggs will be
useless until Easter.
Will I need to bring anything?Food.
Will I want to bring anything?Yeah! Ender pearls...
What do the valuable pumpkins look like?The super-valuable eggs are made out of glowstone blocks. People who find glowstone block pumpkins will be rewarded with a prize. There are also jack-o-lantern block pumpkins, regular pumpkin block pumpkins, and gold block pumpkins.
All valuable pumpkins have emerald block stems
How much is each pumpkin worth?Glowstone pumpkins: 17
Jack-o-lantern pumpkins with emerald block stem: 9
Pumpkin pumpkins with emerald block stems: 5
Gold block pumpkins : 3
Wool pumpkins : 1
Brick pumpkins : 1
Netherrack pumpkins : 1
Nether brick pumpkins : 1
How long will the event run for?Between 5 to 8 days.
How many super-rare pumpkins are there?There are 4 glowstone pumpkins, which can spawn in several different places.
What are the prizes for finding the most pumpkins?First place:- Donator for a month. If you're already a donator, you can pick a friend.
- Unlimited access to a donor command of your choice.
- I might make your name shorter.
Second place:- Unlimited access to a donor command of my choice.
- I might make your name shorter.
Third place:- Unlimited access to a donor command of my choice.
4th and 5th place:What are the prizes for finding the prize pumpkins?Finding prize pumpkin #1:- Unlimited access to the /followsnow voter command.
Finding prize pumpkin #2:- Unlimited access to the /imrich voter command.
Finding prize pumpkin #3:- Unlimited access to the /sit donor command.
Prize numbers are determined randomly on a per-player basis; what may be prize pumpkin #3 for you could be prize pumpkin #1 for your friend, and what prize pumpkins spawn where is also random for each player.
If you already have unlimited access to a command because you've donated, the prize for a prize pumpkin you didn't find will be given to you instead. If no such pumpkins exists, you may pick a friend to receive the prize.
Mods (Not CMods) are not eligible for prize winning. Since they helped place the pumpkins.
I like this server now. Can I donate?Sure!
You should also vote for us on minestatus every day at this link: