iAustralian Wrote:
Okay First Screen is OBVIOUSLY Tim Burton's Edward Scissor Hands, Your black and white pic however, I can guess it's post 1940's and involves world war 2, after that I'm lost.
ChubbyPikachu25 Wrote:
Hrm I kinda wouldve wished for a more challenging scene from this franchise, This snapshot is the moment before Harry makes a mad dash for Nevell's rememberall that malfoy has thrown. (I could be wrong on the scene, cause that clip doesn actually show this screenshot) But I am right on the movie. Back before Danielle Radcliffe Grew some Man parts to his voice....
JUSTRON123 Wrote:
Terminator, and you're like "AHAHA I GOT YOU" but it's a scene from T3: Rise of the Machines
kieranchocian Wrote:
I really wish I could say that his was hard for me, But I BAWL MY EYES OUT every time I read this Steven King Novel, The Mouse's death really gets to me, this is the Scene where the Cajun man who owned the mouse gets Fried HORRIBLY, due to the lil Beep beep beep beep beeep of a policeman not wetting the sponge before putting the cap on.
EDIT: realized I didn't say movie title, Steven Kings The Green Mile