Well hello everyone. It's me! vezaciek, QueenVee, Titania, etc.
I've been playing on Kreatious - my first server and online multiplayer experience ever - since March 24th of this year! It's been super fun getting to hang out and play with you all. Now, a little about myself.
I'm a girl. Haha. I'm going to school and will be declaring my major (for real this time) in the fall from undecided to Zoology! I'm gonna try to do wildlife rehabilitation or animal studies. Wanna help the little critters. :]
Umm... I have a giant dog. He's a 110 lb pyrenees and he just turned one in January. I love him. He's my man.
And for you all who are curious, this is what I look like - since we were talking about it today and I told you all I would show a picture of myself with some bacon. http://imgur.com/a/wZkR7 There is also a shot of me looking all made up and purrty. The first two are closer to the usual though. lol.
Welp, I hope to keep meeting more and more of you and making more friends! You guys are great! <3