The brand new lock plugin has now been uploaded!
This allows you to do many new things with locking, from locking lots of containers with signs, to locking levers and buttons!
Here is a guide i made on the new plugin:
If you have containers touching each other, all connected containers are locked!
However, if you have more than one private sign, only the containers with the signs will be locked
You can put [more users] signs on any of the connected containers
As well as new [share] signs that only affect the container they are on
and remember, if you want to check if a container is protected, and who can access it, just punch it!
Now, levers and buttons can also be privated! the valid locations of the private signs are as follows:
Don't think you can make easy private doors out of these though.
no matter how fancy the contraption...
same thing with trapped chests
There is, however, one drawback: there can only be one sign per block. so: