Umm... sure, Ill put up a sign with your name on it in the town centre. Thanks for the idea.
I have had a new idea for the name of the city: Sasoflu City XD. The city shall include: Fluffyborn stone ancient statue, a mall, Fluffyborn headquaters, waypoint room (if allowed by Zerg), Special rooms only high ranked members can access, the quiz room (kinda like the old donor lottery but asks you questions, and best answer will win diamonds, iron or gold), a parkour course, a circus, a room of statues, and lots around the city, like aqua and lava cities. If we have enough members after the official city had been finished, we could do like a stairway to heaven. But that might be over-doing it. Oh, and also we'll have a massive Zerg face looking down on the city, from the ceiling, spewing lava into the centre of the Fluffyborn statue (like god looking down on the earth and creating people sort of XD) thus creating the Fluffyborns!
We have 4 big/ 8 small rooms we need still to fill in for the city (or Sasoflu, if approved).
First one to comment what Sasoflu means correctly, gets a free lot