pyrusbrawler30 Wrote:ALSO being on the idea of expansion, I have another idea! we could possibly double the size of the town, or more! my idea is setting up a tier layout of the town. What i mean is, the town as it is right now will remain as-is, but on the outside, there will be a lower-class area, for those who don't have as much money. it won't be quite as pretty, but still nice. it will likely have farms and such, and a lesser-style wall. Opinions?
I'm not part of this, but.. That sounds actually really cool. It sounds similar to the
Ba Sing Se style kingdom from The Last Airbender. They had a HUGE circular area that consisted of (From outside to center):
Outer Wall
Agrarian Zone(Farms)
Inner Wall
Lower Ring(Newcomers, refugees, laborers/craftsmen, a lot of crime/poverty, very densely populated)
Middle Ring(Middle-class residents, financial district, town hall, university, peaceful, flowers/trees)
Upper Ring(Upper-class citizens, military/government officials, important individuals, lakes/ponds, BIG houses)
Royal Palace(right in the center)
Each tier was a little lower than the other, with great walls between.