SilEsper and me are doing a project and its a pretty big one if i'd say so.
SilEsper has a stronghold under hes base which previously was claimed by zerg .
But 2weeks ago when i saw zerg online and i asked him to give the stronghold to SilEsper and he did.
Our plan with it isnt taking the mossy and cracked stone bricks not at all.
We want to keep the stronghold how it is and fix all open gaps that generated in it becus of caves etc.
Some doors are derpy and instead of opening when u press the button they close when u press the button.
Also 1 of the 2 library's of the stronghold generated next to a small lava pool which burnt alot of books.
Our Goal
Repairing the stronghold (Fix all open gaps and the Library).
Make the stronghold float in a giant room.
Ofcourse making the stronghold back to normal and making it float in a giant room requires time and materials.
If you wanne help us out by Donating any of the following things it would be very apriciated.
Items We Will Need
Diamonds (To Repair pickAxes) since we use eff5 unb3 silk1 pickaxes which need diamonds to repair becus it has 3enchants.
Books Or Book Shelfs (To Repair Library).
Cracked and Mossy StoneBricks (To repair the holes in the walls).
We Already started on the project and this is the progress we have so far.
It also shows we aren't lieng about the project to get free items.
oh and if any of u are wondering what CobaltStone means.
Its the name of SilEsper's Place Cobalt = a blue color.
we are connected to _Subvertio_ Hes place calls GrayStone.
My Place is Called CrimsonStone Crimson = a red color. (Becus i use alot of redstone)