Yo everyone, SquareDot here and it's a good day to announce my new shop.
To recap on recent events: With the pvp battles raging on around Spawn Ive taken the opportunity to make a potion shop to sell to the battle hungry pvpers. So my potion shop will provide you to any potion you ever need, ranging from healing potions to poison potions, to battle against your foe. My shop is located on the red road so buy your potions now!
This weekend: i'll be giving some free potions
(it is closest to Irish_Ninja's city of Stormhaven, go check his awesome city out )
(Also a shout out to TheOWCA I'll be helping out with your city, since I was occupied with stuff )
(Along the way you will stop by at Damek's city of Stoneforge, go check it out too )