my brother super asked me to post this cause his account won't work
In 2 days, June 2nd, will be my 1 year anniversary on kreatious. In the last few months my respect and trust has declined and I'm sorry for that. Anyways, I wanna thank all my good friends who have stuck with me: Aceflamingo, Justron123, Hommelgardigan, nrsteel, sammyredsox, pieluvsme, xpod, and more (sorry if I forgot your name). I also want to thank my former friends who were once good friends: Sonicff7, vini123, mccoy1996, and more (again I apoligize if I forgot your name)
I also want to say thanks to my friends who have left kreatious. Shaneiscrazy333, ernie11, diijon_mustard, calebjthsod, sketchup2, purebo, purematt, monkey, unboxermail, goldenguy45, and more.
I'm sorry for being a troll recently and I want you to help me to not be a troll. Once in a while I will say something that I find funny but others dont, it's at this point you guys feed the troll inside me. If you ignore me when I say offencive things I won't become a troll. I really want to not be a troll so I could become respected. I apoligize to my former friends for driving you away from me.
During my year on kreatious I built 3 fail cities and 1 succesful city. The fails were penatration, skyscraper, & lavaworld. I had alot of fun building Filkar with you vini and I'm sorry our friendship ended. you were my greatest friend since shane.
It's been a good time for me and I want to thank zerg for being kind. I didn'y realize how much I owe him but I now see that he is very generous in not permabanning me.
I hope to make more friends and someday become veteran (which is very unlikely right now) . Thank you kreatious for being the best server I've ever played!