He has called a hit on your server???

He has called a hit on your server???

by MamaElm » Fri May 10, 2013 8:53 pm

Sorry, I don't know where this should go on the forum list here, but I just wanted to share what 'Teslaterror' messaged to me on deviantArt.

Teslaterror said the following:

Can I borrow your kreatious.net account?

I really wanna make a statement that the moderators were without proper reason to ban me, albeit roleplaying as you, mimicking your personality.

Once zerg has gotten wind of an unauthorized perma-ban by the moderators, he gonna raise some hell then the moderators are up a Feces creek without a paddle thats about go off a waterfall of liquified stool.

MamaELM said the following:

No sorry. I'm not going to get wrapped up in it, if I was more active and stuff still i'd maybe try to help, but idk about any of it, and you are my friend and all, but you don't have my permission to roleplay as me, and I don't think you could mimic my personality. XD

Teslaterror said the following:

They don't realize why i only suggest myself as a moderator is because its to motivate other people to step up to the job so I don't have to do it myself. Also if they want the server to stop crashing so much, they are going to have to unban me because the only way i am calling off that Hit I placed on NODUSgriefing is if they remove Zeenoo as a moderator and they take a seminar in Asperger's syndrome because frankly they don't understand it.

MamaELM said the following:

You're kind of acting like a brat dude, lol. You called out a hit on the server? And you are still freaking out because not everyone knows every detail about some disease? And why would you ask for mod over and over? People who beg for mod should never get it because they are whiney people and stuff. I don't understand why you caused enough trouble to get banned, and then you are raging about it and throwing tantrums?

Teslaterror said the following:
Yeah... the hit thing i can always call off, the only real damage that happened to the server was a rollback that made comedian14 lose practically half of his diamonds, now If I was unbanned, i could utilize this scenario to my advantage.

Asperger's syndrome is not a disease, its a mental disorder. I am neurologically different, its difficult for me to experience certain emotions as well as empathy so its hard to convey what emotion I am trying to expresses to someone. Zeenoo has explicitly made fun of it and me because I have it, Zerg is the only person that knows what asperger syndrome is which he understands is a part of my personality.

I was using reverse psychology on them to recruit more moderators and the reason I was asking for moderator so they wouldn't try to shanghai me as one, ergo I do not have to do the worst job in a gaming server, being a moderator.

I wouldn't have time to build my own things if I was one so technically my goal was for me not to be picked as a moderator, much less for someone getting the idea for suggesting me as one.

I would never want to be a moderator on any server really because you become the bad guy to every player on a server once you are one, Ergo I am a regular player so I am the good guy to every player on the server

So basically he seems like a complete nut job, the only way I knew him was, we talked in a chatroom on dA for like 10 minutes I think, and then I ended up on Kreatious about the same time he did. I don't know why the heck he would think i'd let him use my account to spam you guys, personally i love this server. I'll try to get on and play with you all some more, just been pretty busy.

Also, for some reason, notes on dA don't have timestamps, but this convo was about 1, 2 weeks ago maybe. So I don't know if any of it is even relevant anymore.
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Re: He has called a hit on your server???

by comedian14 » Fri May 10, 2013 10:31 pm

XD Half?!?!?!?! I have 3 stx of dbs that grow everyday! XD IceFang already tried to help me, cant do anything, only lost about 16db worth.

Tell him that :3
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Re: He has called a hit on your server???

by 007coolcube » Fri May 10, 2013 10:34 pm

Thought I might share this...

Correct me if I'm wrong, It is to my understanding that the use of a 'DDOS' (or w/e) is illegal unless the person agrees to it...

I believe the correct term to describe tesla right now is, HeMadBro
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Re: He has called a hit on your server???

by Nezark123 » Fri May 10, 2013 11:22 pm

Don't personally have anything to add, just wondering if it shouldn't be in serious discussion as opposed to ban appeals? If another mod agrees feel free to move it there.

Oh and Hyena Gods are clearly supreme. Figured I'd better assure you all of that.

Edit: For those of you wondering, the "attack" described by recent posts has already been carried out a few weeks ago and was highly unsuccessful. No need to fear, Wall-E stared them down.
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Re: He has called a hit on your server???

by MamaElm » Sat May 11, 2013 1:42 pm

I'm glad their 'attack' failed.

I can't believe anyone would get so butthurt over this game as to try to ruin other people's creations. I spend hours upon hours building everything I make, and I'm pretty proud of even the most silly things, I don't know how anyone who plays could even think of wanting to destroy someone's stuff. But maybe thats just me. whatever,
You can move the topic wherever you'd like, I don't really have anything else to add, all I see is that he has been banned SEVERAL times, and has posted tons of his own ban appeals, each of which are like, what the heck is wrong with him?

Also that hit request thing you found coolcube, all i can say is wow. What a whiny dude, I can't believe it lol. "rolling back their spawn to the point they can't rebuild it"

I'll not start telling mods what to do, but if it were me controlling the bans, this guy would just be permma-banned. Seems like all he does is cause problems.
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Re: He has called a hit on your server???

by 007coolcube » Sun May 12, 2013 7:51 am

He is perma banned... Ingame and forums
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Re: He has called a hit on your server???

by Icefang113 » Mon May 13, 2013 11:06 pm

Wait. . . there was an attack? ._. Well anyways I guess we don't have to worry about him coming back and berating us. Also, even if you're a mod you don't have to be a bad guy, do bad guys fix your grief? XD

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Re: He has called a hit on your server???

by Zeenoo » Tue May 14, 2013 10:47 pm

Tesla was banned because he is a liar and a troublemaker. The server gets backed up all the time and the grief protection is very good, so a grief team attack could easily be repaired.

He got banned and now the butthurt is getting to him. He's reading this, so I want to let him know the ban is justified, Let it go, Tesla. You're making yourself look like an idiot.
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