by pyrusbrawler30 » Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:57 pm
As Nezark stated above, we very recently had a massive map expansion. that means, there are two massive areas on this server.
With a bit of hard work, I'm sure you could a nice area to live, build, and enjoy the server. I've been on this server for about 2 years, and we've reset several times, and the builds are not brought over. That is why we expand, as oppose to reset. we've only had a full out reset once that i know of, and that was back for the full release of minecraft, 1.0
Since then we've only expanded upon the original map. I know that there is a rather large gap between the new and old continents. If you're looking to expand, i'd suspect we might just link them together... This is only speculation though. If zerg wants to do something completely different, so be it.
In conclusion, we probably won't RESET, but we might expand. For the time being, i suggest what Nez said, simply using /home to find a clean area, or, you may have to look manually for a home.