Freedom Village (a city in Kreatious survival server)

Freedom Village (a city in Kreatious survival server)

by Zerg620 » Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:38 pm

Freedom Village -A town occupying man-made islands. Friendly and active players, in a community all their own, mine, kill mobs, talk on teamspeak, and play together for a Minecraft experience that is not to be missed or forgotten. Rules are as loose as possible while still keeping order and the Owner (Zerg620) is very open to suggestions from residents of Freedom Village on how to improve Freedom Village.

Preferred in-game tag: FREE Preferred Waypoint: /Waypoint Freedom Preferred name: Freedom Village

Buildings are preferred to be made out of the following materials:
Any material. Cobblestone and Netherack must be minimal.
If you wish to use more netherack or cobblestone for the FINISHED PROJECT please ask me first as these materials are cheap looking and make the city look bad.

- What your town has or will have to offer: All types of farms, a resident-only mine, loose rules, regulated terrain, nice neighbors, a school to help you learn more about Minecraft, easy-to-navigate city, track and field, spleef arena, blocky pitch, archery field, a zoo, an obstacle course, a bank, resident-owned shops, maybe a museum and a helpful owner who is online often and loosely attached to his items.

Owner - Zerg620

Co-owners - WagaPro1234, Eli7613, New_Link, EmanuellLamas

Premium Residents -Zalmang, ProductofChicken, Squaredot, Vini123, HiYouGami, Leftypitcher28, Ajkattz, Fan1Chelsea, Rubinst, MXSNIPER, Cruiserman, _Copyrighter_, awesomedal14, Zarrach, isakymen97, Craftsman334, Oblivian1411, md53473,

Residents - mythic316, sputa, w1ll3x4

- Active member list(7):
Zerg620, WagaPro1234, Eli7613, EmanuellLamas, SmashBroGamer, Ajkattz, cruiserman

- Inactive member list(0) (/lastseen more than a month ago):

-Jobs of Residents of Freedom Village

Clean up bad terrain. (ex. holes left by endermen)
Know the rules of Freedom Village and Kreatious and follow them.
Be kind and respectful towards other players.
Invite players to live in Freedom Village. (Place a sign on your house when you do so I or a co-owner can see if they are trustworthy and give them full residency. Until then, they should share a room at your house.)
Be familiar with this forum and the town news board. (please check them for announcements and to connect with your fellow residents)
Spread the word about Freedom Village.
Help pay the debt of 2db if a fellow resident gets banned . I try to recruit trustworthy players but sometimes I am a bad judge of character .
Have Fun.

Premium resident jobs

Build up the town and make it look nice

Co-owner Responsibilities
All resident jobs
All premium resident jobs
Sell lots to new residents and decide if they are trustworthy (tell me so that I can update this forum)
Update the news board
Help me enforce the rules of Freedom Village

- The coordinates of the town: TBA

- General Rules:
My name (Zerg620) must be on all [Private] doors, this is in case someone steals your belongings, I will be able to investigate who did it.
Private mines are allowed, but you sacrifice your security if you build it in your home.
All houses must have a [private] chest outside the entrance with my (Zerg620) name on it, this will allow me to reward/pay you even when you are not online.
Never collect sand/dirt/snow inside or near the city. Removing dirt/sand to make the land more even is acceptable but mass destruction of the land just for the resources is NOT accepted, NOT tolerated, and NOT allowed whatsoever.
Close doors after you go through them, especially if they are [private] unless they are ment to be open all the time.

- Building Rules:
You may build anything you like, but if I (Zerg620) dislike it or it breaks a Kreatious or Freedom Village rule you will be asked to destroy or move it. This rule will be changed to only co-owners when there are more residents.
Building nice houses for new residents is always appreciated.
Pixel art is frowned upon and disliked. Please ask before building pixel art.
Buildings will be separated into different districts each with a height limit preventing buildings from overshadowing other buildings. 3 districts have been created so far: towers, houses, and caves.

Building height limit for each district:
Houses: inf x inf x 30
Sm. Towers: inf x inf x 60
Med. Towers: inf x inf x 90
Large Towers: inf x inf x inf
Underwater dome: inf x inf x bedrock x ground lvl (will decide a 1-time price later as expansion is easy and would be a pain to keep track of)
All other Kreatious rules apply.

- Freedom Village events:
Any resident that don't log in to the server for more than 2 weeks will have mushrooms hid in their house by me (Zerg620) to simulate neglect of their home, this can be fixed by simply destroying all the mushrooms in the house.
Any resident that don't log in to the server for more than 1 month will get their house resold*. If the resident comes back after their house is resold, they can claim some money from me (Zerg620) from the sales of their old house to build a new one.
More events to come as game buildings are added to the city. (spleef, blocky,pvp arena)

- Lot prices: The sum demensions of the house in iron ingots + the cost of building materials.

*Note on lots* Unoccupied houses are not very nice to have, but I do realize that things happen and other people quit. If you are going to be gone for more than a month but do not want house resold, put a sign near the entrance saying when you expect to be back. I will retain from selling the house 1 week after the date posted on the sign.
~Note on building for Premium residents~ you can build whatever you please if it doesn't break the rules, looks nice, and is in a location that approves it's height.

To-Do List:

Town Requirements:
Notice board - Zerg620 will build
Town meeting place - RubinSt, Vini123, Wagapro1234, eli7613
Roads - Emanuelllamas
Lighting - Zerg620, Vini123, Wagapro1234

Farms and Generators: (Greenhouse design using glass blocks preferred)
Animal - chicken, cow, sheep

Other Projects:
Giant snowman to put waypoint under and little snowmen around town -
Spleef arena - Eli7613
Bocky pitch -
archery field - squaredot
Zoo -
Obstacle Course -
Library -
Schoolhouse (old-school and made of brick) -

Plans to make (feel free to suggest ideas)
Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:32 am

Re: Freedom Village (a city in Kreatious survival server)

by mattchuu » Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:43 am

This topic has been locked and moved. PM me on the forums if you want this moved back.
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