
Re: Leaving

by Irish_Ninja » Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:32 am

Alright, let's just lay out what happened, and maybe we can all work this out.

Tweekmore, it's unfortunate that you lost a lot of valuable stuff, but you need to understand that that happens to all of us at some time or another. It sucks, and it pisses us off, but it should never push you into a legitimately bad mood. It is just a game, after all. And you can make all that stuff again with a little work. Heck, Zerg even gave you experience and access to donor chat to try to make up for it.
And while I'm on that note; You were given the privilege of using donor chat. You haven't donated, and you aren't a veteran, so in all respects, you shouldn't have even been there. Metaphorically speaking, you were a guest in our chat. And as a guest, it's frightfully rude to insult the people who have earned the right to chat there.

And Aquad, I do understand your wanting to keep donor chat clean. We're very lenient on language and topic in donor chat, because we're all pretty close, and know when we need to stop, to avoid offending anyone. We do swear from time to time, but we're usually good about keeping it at a reasonable level. If you ask us to tone it down while you're on, we will. And if someone completely, and intentionally disregards that request, I would not object to you kicking them.

So, Tweek; understand that Aquad had a relatively good reason to kick you. I trust his judgement enough to know that he wouldn't just kick you for no reason. Besides that, it's only a kick; doesn't even go on your record, and is definitely not something you need to get worked up over.
And Aquad; there will always be people who claim you abuse your privileges, as well as people who disagree with your intentions while you're in a position of power. You just have to go by your own judgement on things sometimes; won't always necessarily be the right or wrong thing to do, but always try to learn from it.
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Re: Leaving

by tweekmore » Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:19 am

Please use semi-decent grammar if you're going to post your side / opinion here. (vini)

As for your post Irish, He's not even a moderator, he shouldn't be using those privileges anyway. I wasn't offending anybody, It wasn't directed at anybody, it was a ".... minecraft" statement. Nobody had a problem with it, it wasn't brought up, he just decided to be a youknowwhat and kicked me.

As for what he posted in this thread already, I'm sure this argument is over since clearly he doesn't give a flying horse about the server, he only came here for dictatorship in my eyes, and that's what I'll leave it at.
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