The good new, The bad new, And the worse news

The good new, The bad new, And the worse news

by GoldenGuy45 » Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:21 am

Well... The good news is that my computer is fixed *yeay*.
The bad news is that Minecraft is now laggy for me *noooo*
The worse news is that mt brother is being quite greedy with the computer so I can hardly ever go on. *-.-*
I am defiantly not leaving kreatious, but I will almost never be on. I will try to stay active and vote on the forums, and if you see me in game, my brother is probably in the bathroom :3 xD I will also try to be helpful when I am actually in game.
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Re: The good new, The bad new, And the worse news

by Neko92 » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:49 am

Uhm... he should probably get some help if he in the bathroom longer enough for you to play minecraft... I dont think thats healthy...
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Re: The good new, The bad new, And the worse news

by GoldenGuy45 » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:28 pm

xD Well... He has a phone that can use the internet... sooo... Yeah.
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Re: The good new, The bad new, And the worse news

by SonicFF7 » Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:47 pm

Tell your brother I want to play MC, and tell him to get 5 seconds of fresh air instead of hogging the computer all day, and go get a life. He needs to live out something, not be on the PC nonstop.
Wait, that's what I said to myself. e.e
But seriously, tell him to go play outside for 20 minutes :L
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Re: The good new, The bad new, And the worse news

by kieranchocian » Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:03 pm

...or you could put a lock on the other side of the bathroom door, and lock him in the bathroom?

Anyways, come online whenever you can/want. :)
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Re: The good new, The bad new, And the worse news

by GoldenGuy45 » Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:25 am

He is like... 20... So uh.... Yeah... Plus I don't really want to dis him anytime soon... He is a good guy and all. But sometimes he has "control issues". And also it is his computer. And pretty soon he might buy ressetta stone for one of his collage classes. And I really need to learn Japanese... So i'll get on when I can, but... It's almost summer :D I will be on a lot more when summer is here. Again, he is a really great guy and fun to he around. He also hasn't fineshed getting back all the programs on the computer. But he is on the computer too often and too much.
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