Mod votes?

Do you think it's a good idea to let the community have a say in new mods?

Within reason (reply reason)
Total votes : 22

Mod votes?

by Snakejay » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:39 am

I was thinking that since there's votes for veterans there should be votes for mods also :3 like say, people suggest veterans that they think they would be good mod :p then idk they end up narrowing it down, then of course the staff actually choose, I just think that the community should have a chance to have a say since the mods end up dealing with the community ;) I'll leave a poll for people who are lazy to type an answer XD
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Re: Mod votes?

by bondsmatthew » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:02 pm

Ima post what I posted on a thread a while back. It not make sense, but you get the gist if it.

I'm tired, and full from dinner last night, and I might be.. Well, seem like I'm not making sense, but this is what I see. There are many vtns who would make GOOD moderators, this is coming from a person who's been one since May.. What I'm saying is.. And I don't meen to be rude, but some of you guys don't know what you're talking about. A lot of you thought italia wouldn't be a good mod, he is.. Isn't he? I know a few people who thought Dukem wouldn't be good, he is, isn't he? Unboxer too.. He might have changed near the end, but he was a damn good moderator.
My point is, most of you don't know what it's like to be a moderator, don't know how easy/hard it is; we do. I know of three... Three people who would make good mods, right now. And another who might make a good one. I might.. I don't know, lose some respect from this post, or something like that, I really could care less right now. The server is in trouble, we need more mods.

My main point: We know what it's like to be a moderator; we know how people are, etc. Mods shouldn't be voted in the same way as Vtns. I thought many people would see it that way, not just.. Yeah. Let me ask you this, 'Who would you rather have protect your house? Someone voted in by a popularity vote? Or someone voted in by existing mods?"
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Re: Mod votes?

by kieranchocian » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:10 pm

Bonds said what I was thinking. Vtn votes are popularity votes. I don't want the same to happen to Mods, getting someone who is popular, but not good at being a Moderator.
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Re: Mod votes?

by SirDukem » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:03 pm

I'm still undecided on this :S I'll have to give it some thought before I vote.
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Re: Mod votes?

by HovR » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:22 pm

In short, mods know what it takes to be a moderator. What skills are needed, and who is a good candidate. Mods are able to make the decision without bias, and need to pick people who they trust.

As has been said before, Veteran votes are now a popularity vote - Which may be fine for picking Veterans, but is not what is needed when picking moderators. More importantly, moderators know players history on the server - Who has been warned? Who has hacked? etc, which is an important consideration to take into account when picking moderators.

In case you hadn't figured it out, I voted "No". ;)
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Re: Mod votes?

by Snakejay » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:57 pm

Alright fair points guys :3 I was basically meaning it the community can have an opportunity to pick someone they think would be a good moderator, and the staff still have the last say. Yeah, sorry I don't explain things well XD
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Re: Mod votes?

by mattchuu » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:01 pm

Even that causes discontent. If someone REALLY popular, say me :3 got voted like that and denied by mods, people would rage, the whole server would go into chaos calling it unfair and such, and the last thing we need is more and more drama adding to the bill.

or maybe nothing would happen...

I think Veterans should start suggesting to the mods, people they see who are potential mods. That can get the wheels rolling! :D
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Re: Mod votes?

by Snakejay » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:12 pm

XD Ok ok i see your point :3
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Re: Mod votes?

by bondsmatthew » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:30 pm

<Which is what we did last time.> :3
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Re: Mod votes?

by Irish_Ninja » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:42 pm

I vote no.
Polls are ALWAYS popularity contests. And while we're all here looking for mods to fill in the empty spaces between rush-hour and the middle of the night, it's only the ones online during those peak hours that get recognized by the masses.

Pretty much, this is why I feel we're lacking moderators during those quiet hours. Because in order to become vtn (basically the prequisite for mod), you essentially need to be online during those peak hours. Otherwise, you're not well-know by enough people to be 'trusted.'
The formula goes a little something like this: a very respectable, and helpful player is online while most of the server is asleep - he or she pretty much would be the favored choice of any players online during that time (let's say, all 15 of them); on the flipside, you've got someone who is somewhat helpful, but mainly only to the point where you'd recognize his or her name in a group - this player has the favor of, say, half the players who are on during the same hours he or she is (let's say 60). Now it comes to voting time; those 15 players ALL vote for the candidate who is on during the night hours, and only half of those 60 players on during peak hours vote for the other guy.
In conclusion, we get a player who won based on the timezone he lives in, rather than the quality of his or her character. They win solely by the sheer numbers of people who know OF them; as opposed to how WELL those people know them.

In my opinion, the average timeframe in which a player is online should be taken into consideration when promoting players to mod, as well as to vtn. They should be voted on by the peers that they are regularly in contact with, rather than the entire server. And, if necessary, even be divided into separate polls, where the voice of the players they effect, will actually matter.

It's a little hard to explain exactly the process that goes through my mind in a simple enough way. So this may or may not be complete nonsense; and I apologize if it was. What are your guys' opinions on this though?
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