Sonic for Moderator!

Sonic for Moderator?

Poll ended at Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:11 am

No Moderators by Vote
Total votes : 21

Sonic for Moderator!

by Fluffy977 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:11 am

Since, the other post was locked >.> I wish to express why I think Sonic should be moderator, heres what I said in the original post;

I voted yes. Here is my reasoning:

Out of all the people I've met on Kreatious, Sonic has been helping me all the way, when I first joined, I spawned near Zergville in the temporary world, then, I explored a little, and found a nice little mountain and I couldn't farm.. I didn't know much about Minecraft at the time, and Snakejay tried to help me over chat a little, but then Sonic said he was coming, and I didn't think he would, but then I turn around, and there he is, at my.. window.. that was a piece of dirt, air, and dirt. Anyway, he helped me farm, then we expanded the house, mined a little, then went exploring together, we found a ravine, and Sonic went mining, while I setup a little camp and got supplies. Came back, and Sonic was mining miles away. So I setup camp, and started the trek to get him, in his huge mine he had made while I was gone. After that, we went back to the house, and repeated that cycle. Then our little farm got boring for me. So I made massive farms, three, Sonic didn't really approve because he didn't see the point of it, but he lived with it. After, that, school started getting in the way, we didn't play very much online, and that sort of thing. I stopped playing on Surivival for a while, and just started playing on creative, I think. Now to present day, Sonic continually helps me, and I try to repay him as much as I can, but I can never seem to do it. I recently started my website for the Fluffyborns, he gives me advice on that, and recently I setup the forums; and he is a forum moderator on there, he is amazing. Sonic, you've helped me a lot, your a great friend, and someone who really will help others.

That's my reason..

Do you agree with me?

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Re: Sonic for Moderator!

by HovR » Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:45 am

This is precisely why picking moderators shouldn't be down to public vote. There is a reason why no other servers do it this way, and neither should we.

6 no votes, with no reasoning why? And a candidate who I believe could have potentially made a good moderator.. gone.. poof.

The general player base do not know what it takes do be a good moderator, and therefore they do not know who would make a good moderator.
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Re: Sonic for Moderator!

by mattchuu » Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:09 pm

^This. Maybe we can change the veteran rank to popularity, but popular mods won't save us from grief =/.
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Re: Sonic for Moderator!

by dizzydan2 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:20 pm

I kind of see what your saying HovR but 6 votes and no reasoning why may be due to people not trying to offend sonic I cant comment or vote if he should be mod or not because i don't really know him well enough, but people may have reasons :P.
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Re: Sonic for Moderator!

by Fluffy977 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:56 pm

Yes, I agree with you HovR because they would only vote for someone who they know will do something for them when they are moderator.. but the three no votes? Reasoning? Sonic isn't a bad person, he has enemies, yes, but so does everyone.. at least leave some sort of reasoning

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Re: Sonic for Moderator!

by SonicFF7 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:30 pm

Well, I put no Moderators by vote. Like what HovR said, how do people vote on this? People that aren't Mods vote out of 2 ways.
1) They are friends with the candidate.
2) They know something that the person did to help that they think would make them a good Mod.
I think no one knows how to vote for this, besides the Mods themselves.
If you really think about this, this is pretty much another popularity vote..
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Re: Sonic for Moderator!

by TheOWCA » Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:33 pm

i agree with sonic since all it comes to is a poularity vote, not a vote for who is most ment for the job, i suggest that if we vote, then it should be vtn+ who vote since we know the aplications for being a mod
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Re: Sonic for Moderator!

by Mythic316 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:59 pm

I think Sonic is a really cool guy. I have known him for a very long time. Ever since August or september. We met in Lava city which some of you might remember and then he decided to live with me. We found diamond together and all sorts of goodies. Even though we have had a great time playing minecraft with each other I will have to vote on that only the staff should pick the mods. You would still be a great moderator I think.
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Re: Sonic for Moderator!

by mattchuu » Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:04 am

i just want to ask you all.

If a teacher gives you a test to grade and says "here you go, by the way i'm not giving yo the rubric so you'll have to guess" will you be able to grade this properly?

Think hard. This relates completely to the situation.
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Re: Sonic for Moderator!

by Neko92 » Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:23 am

I don't see sonic on too much when I am on... So I can't say anything for or against him... But it seems that the lack of mod at night/early morning in my timezone (EST) is STILL being ignored... just saying... sure Sonic may be good for when he is on, "conveniently" when other mods are on (ie: friends).

In past week I've had to tell 7 or so people "Ask a mod" when they're stuff is tnt'd or lava'd, cause I can't /fix! and there is no mod in my timezone!

I'll say yes for sonic... but it won't solve anything. Just add help where it's not needed.
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