Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by stickguy7 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:19 pm

**UPDATE**Can this post be locked? These problems do seem to be mostly taken care of.

I decided to create this forum post to combine several problems on the server into one forum and to get everyone to focus on them easier. My grammar is terrible so please bare in with me writing this. Also, it might not sound right at certain parts but you will get the idea.

Problem 1: Grief
The grief works in certain situations, and for others, it does not. For example, players can break blocks at spawn, but cannot place blocks. A lot of these griefs do not get reverted even though they are suppose to. Another problem is when creepers go off near players, the grief system detects the player as being the sole cause of the explosion, not the creeper. This means the chance of the area being ruled back is much slimmer, which can be a problem if that explosion took out the wall to your house. Another example, ownership of land can be taken out from under a player without them knowing, and this needs to be fixed. So for example, you build a large fence around your home. A player can hop over the fence, and place blocks in between your home and the fence, and If they do this enough, they can claim that section of land which is a major problem for you since now you have a stranger in the middle of what used to be your land. TNT, and LAVA need to revamped in the grief system so that it can detect when a source is placed down, it will also record the blocks of lava that are formed when it spreads. If logs of that event could be made, it would make reverting lava grief easier for players and mods.

Problem 2: Bans
Bans are becoming more and more common everyday on the server, but they never solve anything because they are not effective. A player that constantly griefs that does NOT deserve to play on this server will continue to keep coming back once they realize that they will never be permabanned, they just have to wait it out. There has to be a point where players will be permabanned or at least banned for extended periods of time. The layout should be more of this scale: 20 minutes, 40 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, half a year, 1 year, permaban. I understand no one wants to be the person to permaban someone, but in some cases it has to be done because the player that is causing problems will never get it. I believe this system should only be used if the person causing problems is recent (aka go 1 month back and check records). If the bans are far apart aka(They have not done anything for over a month) then the scale could be reset. One more thing to factor in bans is the intensity of an offense which could be easily represented on a scale of 1-10. 1 for being a simple offense such as breaking a block in someone's house. 10 as being that person did something so terrible, despicable, and/or offensive, that everyone dislikes you now.

Problem 3:Moderators
Moderators are the very people that players place their trust in besides the grief system to protect their items, structures, and well being. They are also there to keep the server looking nice, grief free, and to make if welcoming to new people on the server when they first start out. The problem though is they are being overloaded because the grief system is failing to catch many many people griefing, such as spawn where several people broke several blocks here and there. So much of this is occuring that mods are being overloaded. Mods are people too, they play Minecraft to enjoy it and also want to help the server be safe and happy. But, when they get on, they are welcomed by hours of kicking, banning, discussion, questioning, replying to ban appeals, and etc that they lose interest in the game because it starts to become a hindrance to them. There are three solutions to help resolve this problem. One, promote more mods. Two, repair and upgrade the grief system so that it works properly. Three, both. If moderators are pushed to their limits it will produce a vicious cycle where when they log on and take care a lot of the problems, they log off to take a break from all of it, and resent going back to it because they know they will have to continue to keep dealing with it. They will try more and more as the situation gets worse the longer they are away to avoid the issues. If the problems are not taken care of soon. Mods will become so frustrated with the server that they will not want to come on anymore, leaving griefers that are not auto-kicked or banned to do whatever they want.

When more problems arise. I edit the post and add them.
Last edited by stickguy7 on Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by leftypitcher28 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:26 pm

I have notced one thing is when you break a block in Spawn it breaks it and you get a warning, but the block is not fix and some time it wont kick you. So this needs to be fixed zerg also needs to fix the greifing system in general it's having big problems cause greifers to greif. Another thing is pvp when you do /pvp you have pvp enable, but when you try to turn it off it some times doesnt even work or it doesent say that theres a 1 minute dalay.
In generial we need chat mods and fixed greifing.

levels of greif
level 1:acednetal broken blocks/word slips but stops
level 2:rage cusing aply kick
level 3:breaking into someones house
level 4:building near spawn
level 5:greifing without hax
level 6:greifing spawn without hax
level 7:hacking to fly speed ect.
level 8:greifing with hax
level 9:killing a mod
level 10:greifing with hax at spawn killing mod cusing fly hax and higher.
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Re: Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by FSXlover » Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:53 pm

Blocks need to be but in a safety chest. Those blocks are what replace the grief. Without blocks in the chest no blocks are replaced.
Maybe we can come up with a public donation center so other players can help donate to safety.
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Re: Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by limabear » Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:08 pm

I think this is the one situation where spawning items is allowed(oh, also making an end portal at spawn). Give eve the ability to spawn blocks. Problem solved :)
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Re: Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by FSXlover » Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:27 pm

I honestly wouldn't care at all if eve could spawn blocks. But I don't think that zerg likes the idea. I think that we proposed something like that before but it was turned down.

Who knows, maybe he will change his mind.
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Re: Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by HovR » Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:23 pm

Another problem:

Yesterday I died probably over 10+ times when trying to fix/revert griefs, or creeper holes around spawn. This was due to mobs killing me. Today a kind player gave me some health potions, so I died only around 4 or 5 times whilst fixing grief - Although I did have to run away a lot.

/god is needed. I would suggest that less than half of a mods moderating is done at a /c alert, therefore having god activate only when you go to a /c alert does not suffice.

Losing all my items 5+ times a day whilst trying to help the server? Hrmm.. I don't like that.

Zerg, why was it taken away in the first place? It hardly screams "I appreciate the work you are doing."
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Re: Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by eli7613 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:09 pm

The replacing chest for grief's should have the ability to spawn items so that when a grief happens it gets fixed otherwise the server gets griefed and dos not get fixed...
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Re: Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by harshlife » Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:34 am

Block spawning for repairs ties in with the banning.
As an extreme example, we wouldnt want someone to be able to grief DBs/Brown Wool, then for eve to spawn them back in.
That would cause duplication of the items.
We could have eve item spawning if:
a) The griefed DB was removed from the griefer's inventory
b) Said griefer was permabanned (permabanned player's items/invent would go straight into the grief box)
either would ensure new blocks werent worming their way into the system.

As it stands: Griefers with a 1hr ban would be back with their stolen DB, eve would have replaced it, thus 2DBs.
This being the major reason I refuse to place DBs anywhere.

As for mods having god mode, i'd support it. But then I wouldnt support people fooling around with it, even with other mods. It should only apply to the grief, as should the teleport. Not "for the lolz" or any other reason.
Highly Inactive at the moment.
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Re: Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by Fluffy977 » Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:50 am

How about an Moderator mode, where they get godmode to fix things.

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Re: Combining Major Server Problems Into One Thread

by Snakejay » Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:08 pm

Dats what we used to have fluffy, a mod could type /god to deal with explosions, and we're trusted not to abuse it. I fully support mods getting god mode back though,
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