DrFee1Good Wrote:ign: DrFee1Good or DrFee1Food if you have typing disability.
ban: no haz ban yet
why: well.... still no ban in the last ten secs
wtf moment: my right shoulder got pulled out of the socket when i was little and now i can do it anytime and it doesnt hurt and makes my arm a couple inches longer... wtf?
preferred cheese: the yellow kind
AZombieRiot Wrote:IGN: AZombieRiot
Ban: Have I been banned? No.
Why did u do it? -_-: I didn't!
Biggest wtf momment in yo life?: I am notorious for saying stupid stuff. I once said "Don't you need to truck up the gas?"
Perfered Cheese?: Apple Jack
Congrats AZombieRiot and DrFeedPoo, u guys be in :3