Regarding SuperZerg's Actions

Re: Regarding SuperZerg's Actions

by homerstatic » Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:11 am

I'm pretty sure we will perma ban on rare occasions. For example we have perma banned someone who has been banned multiple times for over 2 days for the same reason.
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Re: Regarding SuperZerg's Actions

by aceflamingo23 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:50 am

man zerg is a beast but he dont really understand the concept of a shop lol
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Re: Regarding SuperZerg's Actions

by xD34THxW1SHx » Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:02 pm

Hey, I think that Some of us that fined that with his actions, that we should talk to him about his actions< that he can not keep doing stuff to people in the community that we got going on here

So here is my Opinion on "super zerg" we should ban him he obiously has been warned and what not he shouldn't Be aloud to stay on the server while he will not listen and do the same stuff over and over again? Mabey We can make a vote for it? Or we can just set him off of the server so he doesnt come back.
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Re: Regarding SuperZerg's Actions

by themacoroini » Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:52 pm

he is the worst he lied to mod about this "house" i burned down i dont burn crap!
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Re: Regarding SuperZerg's Actions

by supermariobubba » Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:13 am

First of all macaroni, superzerg doesnt chat at all. he ignores it so when mods warn him he doesnt see it. He is also 9 so he is not good at reading fast
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