Your in-game name: MrReebo
Person who banned you: Wall-E
Reason given for ban: Cursing Again
Reason(s) you should be unbanned:
In all honesty, I can never tell when someone on the server is trolling, or telling the truth. I usually listen to what people tell me and believe it to be true. For example, I was told cursing was not allowed. I stopped cursing.
Later someone else told me that some cursing was okay. I believed them, and I was not banned for saying "damn" repeatedly.
Since then, I have seen many people cursing, and while not using the eff words or the racial/sexist slangs, i watched intently waiting for them to be at least kicked. They weren't. So at this point, I no longer know what words are okay, and what words are not, other then the "eff words or the racial/sexist slangs"
Along with this, I was constantly told to keep it "PG". Now, every time I have been banned by Wall-e, it has been something like "shit" or "dick". However, today it was "Bitch", as I was unaware at the time if it was allowed or not. So, my argument is this, "Keep it PG=mild language"
So, I have been told to keep it PG many MANY times, and realize that there are many people from different countries on this server, so I'm sure this varies, however, where I am from (America) The MPAA runs the show. Now, according to them, the only swears you CAN'T have in a PG movie are things like the "eff words or the racial/sexist slangs". I have heard the following used in PG movies:
Ass, Damn, Bitch, Shit, Dick, Hell, Prick, Bastard, Piss, and even once, Whore.
So, as an American who hears these words in PG movies, I am often confused when I am banned for saying something like "Shit", or even "Dick". I understand that to some, these may only be allowed in PG-13, or (I doubt it) even only R rated films, but here, they are allowed. So, I'm really very tired of trying to see what is okay, so I plan to just stop entirely again.
Anyway, I have the rest of the day to kill and it's only 12:30 here. Please un-ban me.