Mob sweep - 7/6/2013

Mob sweep - 7/6/2013

by TimmyTopHat » Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:03 am

Alright, before I rage about the loss of every damn mob on the server, I just want to say that I still have the utmost respect for the mods and admin. I just think that this sweep was an unwise, unnecessary action that could have been avoided with a little bit of research.

As 1.6 rolled out, a HUGE error was found with the new zombie code. (, or Google,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.cGE&fp=42d739fb15efaa85&biw=1366&bih=591 <- Holy URLspam... )

This error is caused by zombie pathfinding causing lag when a zombie's target cannot be reached. When all hostile mobs were killed, we saw 20/20 ticks for a few seconds, until the zombies respawned (Which happens VERY quickly). A solution could have been found by simply killing the hostile mobs (or just targeting zombies, of possible), and then disable server mob spawning until an update rolls around that fixes the lag caused by the bad code.

Just my 2 cents worth.
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Re: Mob sweep - 7/6/2013

by aetherness » Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:25 am

Zerg had the server on peaceful as part of his ongoing tests. There was still massive lag. The entity removal, which came with a lot of warning, also did nothing to remove the lag. It's not likely to be entity related, but it could be some issue with bukkit breaking the custom plugins, but at the moment no one is for sure.

(Mobs that were in unloaded chunks should have been spared from the mass extinction event)
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Re: Mob sweep - 7/6/2013

by arganist » Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:07 am

I will TOTALLY disagree with the fact that there was fair warning. First off when i am in conversations with 4 different players selling them their horses, it is NOT easy to read ALL other general chat. Which btw is mostly garbage talk. Hence why most of us leave and go to local channel. Secondly ALL major gaming servers put in BOLD writing and in a VERY noticeable color a countdown. Most give this at LEAST 15 min with a posting every minute. Once they get down to 5 min this is posted every 30 seconds then finally the last minute is like every 10 seconds. THIS would have been NOTICEABLE! But there was no such countdown given. Im sure Zerg said a couple times he was re-booting but it was NOT given in this manner. So cause of this I lost everything of value to me that literally takes days to get back. Villagers, Iron Golem farm, every color of sheep, which btw will be the 3rd time i have had to get my sheep back. I have over 800 hours on the server now and it is frustrating beyond belief to see my work go up in flames like that. I understand we need to do tests, but tests should come with a viable warning. Also the players that I sold the horses to were having to walk back to their homes, which were thousands of blocks away. And couldn't just log with out putting it away at their home. Some only had leads on the horses taking them home. Leeds don't stay on when you log and come back. Like I said I totally disagree.....
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