Title is for show.
continental games is where a team (who players are from xxx (America, New Zealand or Australia, and others if there is enough)) play many games against each other to see who comes up top.
Now, I'm gonna straight up say the three main competitors are New Zealand, USA and Australia.
Team New Zealand - FPSrusher, DarkOmen, kitikat
Team America - ThisIsMyNameBro, Silentkiller, maxmmmm100mmmm (or whatever his name is..)
CAN CHANGE TEAM NAME, each team will be of 3 people. If a person from one team is to steal an item from the supplies the entire team will be removed from the games. Don't be stupid.
Want to enter?
Where are you from? Like.. USA? Russia?:
Can I trust you? And why?:
Do you love everyone and everybody as a whole in a universe where the cosmic web is nothing but one:
Spleef. (one person from your team will be chosen to do the spleef)
TD (whole team)
And Last Team standing in Kreatious HQ (whole team)
The games will be hosted on, Friday for Americans, Saturday for NZ
American times -
Maxmm1501 - 6PM (8th)
ThisIsMyNameBro - 7PM(8th)
New Zealand times -
All of New Zealand players - 12PM (9th)
Please contact if times don't fit you.
I'm gonna assume each gametype will last around 30 minutes, give or take.
Team Australia has been removed from teh games! Time tables coming within the week!
Spleef will now be best of 6!
These will not be the last games, I plan on hosting a bunch.
TD will be best of 3!