All right so Fluff977 gave me some advice that a higher ranked person like a forum admin/moderator/zerg960 should be admin on my minecraft page. The only person with a green name that im allowing is shadowofrsr since he/she (sorry!) is a forum mod.
The rest have to be a moderator/forums mod, and of course Zerg960 (if he has a facebook account). When I allow someone to be an admin I will hope they just do not ban random people. Especialy me. Im sure i can trust the mods but please dont ban me just like that without giving me a good enough reason. So Zerg960 this is the kreatious facebook page i have created. Will you just make a new one? Or will you want to use this one? If any admin and moderator cam answer those questions only until then will i let people apply. so for now dont ask me for being an admin on the facebook page.