Egg Grief

Egg Grief

by malandrix_bunny » Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:59 pm

Your in-game name: malandrix_bunny
Person who banned you: Bondsmatthew ( 1 day)
Reason given for ban: Egg Grief
Reason(s) you should be unbanned: I did not know that this was against the rules. (lack of intelligence) I was doing it because Damek was pushing me to do it the whole time. It was on teamspeak, if i kicked him from the channel he would come back, if i pooed him he would type so i just decided to go. once we got there i threw 16 eggs he had givven me, causing six chickens to spawn, than i killed other peoples. Still, I never knew it was a banable subject. I only thought after doing it that it was worth kick. But it depends on what you moderators believe my punishment is.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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Re: Egg Grief

by bondsmatthew » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:53 pm

Well, maybe you should not listen to people next time. Think about the people in which you 'hang out' which.
Btw, it is against the rules to grief(chickens broke crops in the farm, why else throw eggs like that?).

I usually don't deny people, but it really was a stupid thing for you to do that; forced into by Damek.. trust and believe me, I will talk to him about it.
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