

by supermariobubba » Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:19 am

KotOT and corindiclose's army have signed a peace treaty. He agrees he will not harm anymore innocents and has given us a peace offering of daimonds!!!!!! THE WAR IS OVER!!!!!

corindon and his friend killed me with splash potions because i was in their house and they left the door open
I had diamond axe and pickaxe, iron armor but not helmet, some wools, alot of coblestone, iron, and coal and redstone and lapis. I was murdered illegally and the veterans did nothing but tell me to stop because i was raging over idiots being allowed on kreatious. I want them banned and i want my stuff back im sorry for swearing in chat but if that happened to you you would also be pissed off.
Last edited by supermariobubba on Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WTH!?!?!??!?!

by malandrix_bunny » Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:49 am

This happens to everyone, many times....
It does not matter, Many people get on with it.
Vtns can not help you either :|
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Re: WTH!?!?!??!?!

by JUSTRON123 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:49 am

i agree with Supermario its not allowed to kill people when they dont have /pvp on. I think the owner of the house should have contacted a mod and the mod would teleport Supermario out of the house. Whoever killed Supermario please read the rules and give him his stuff back.
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Re: WTH!?!?!??!?!

by supermariobubba » Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:24 am

his gang of [cussing i think not] goes around the topright quadrant and murders everyone with potions. ban him foreevr and conive ihim this is not a [cussing i think not] hardcore pvp server!
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Re: WTH!?!?!??!?!

by stickguy7 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:06 pm

When it comes to trespassing into someones home, even if the door is left open. If they want you out, then just get out. It is wrong for them to kill you to get you out, but no one is going to care if you are being smart alec and just being there to piss them off. It would be like if I went into your house, and just slept on the floor near your front entrance, it is gonna piss the owner off. The correct thing to do in this situation instead of acting like a baby and screaming in chat"I NEEDZ HELP (insert username here) WONT LEAVE MA HOUSE" but instead say "(Insert username here) will not leave my house. Can a mod/admin please teleport him/her to spawn?". That way, people will actually listen to you since you are being more calm, and not acting like a baby.
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Re: WTH!?!?!??!?!

by pieluvsme89 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:52 pm

supermario just a btw corindiclose and his friend broke into MY house and killed me with splash potions and I had diamond armour, a silk touch diamond pick, 4 diamond swords, a diamond hoe, a diamond shovel, a diamond axe and fire charge and you don't see me complaining. so that's nothing compared to what I had and they didn't even give my stuff back so stop complaining
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Re: WTH!?!?!??!?!

by aceflamingo23 » Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:31 pm

I agree with supermario, that guy does some messed up stuff man, like i saw him this one time at spawn right?? so i went to confront him because he attacked my Sunside homies, so then he start walking down da blue path, and im walking backwards, because i was going to follow him until he stop then suffocate him with gravel right?? but then i hear the tnt sound then i blow up and he takes my stuff man!! the mods should ban him, am i right??
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Re: WTH!?!?!??!?!

by supermariobubba » Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:32 am

This war between KotOT and it's allies VS corindiclose's army is getting to be total anarchy. It's just crazy with all this suffocation, potions, and explosions. I dont think the mods are gonna do anything so I've decided to fight fire with fire, and take matters into my own hands.
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Re: WTH!?!?!??!?!

by Irish_Ninja » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:16 am

It is against the rules to kill without pvp enabled. I still don't know why Zerg hasn't made potions ineffective against players who aren't pvping, but that's another topic.

If a player is trespassing, like Stickguy said, just maturely ask a mod for help. Using /msg to contact mods is the best method, since it not only helps us see that you need help in a mature manner, but also doesn't cause unnecessary drama in chat. We're more than happy to teleport an uncooperative player to spawn if they refuse to leave you alone.

As for this war you guys are having; remember the golden rule: treat others how you'd want to be treated by them. If you use potions against them (even if they did it first) expect to get potions thrown back at you. The best counter-troll is to not acknowledge them.
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Re: WTH!?!?!??!?!

by harshlife » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:27 am

It does feel like my eyes are being trolled reading most this thread.

Report it when it happens in a relaxed way. message an online mod or make a note of the time.
While its obviously their problem for pvping without pvp, you were also trespassing, door ' left' open to me suggests a privated sign that they forgot to close. Use some common sense and chivalry.

To my knowledge, any "war" between people without pvp on could probably result in a wide swing of the ban hammer
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